Sahaja Yoga Australia

10th Anniversary of Music of Joy China Tour

10th Anniversary
Public Program & Celebration of Music of Joy’s 2010 China Tour

On 29th August 2020, something truly great took place with the Yogis of China and Sahaja Yoga Australia  hosted a 10th anniversary online virtual Public Program and celebration of the Music Of Joy Tour of China in 2010.
The Chinese Yogis asked that MOJ perform from Burwood and online events were hosted in around 10 Chinese cities with 100’s of people receiving their Self Realisation.
Leading into the program they wrote:
“The Music Of Joy band was invited to set foot on the land of China in 2010 and they began to perform public welfare performances throughout the country. Since the first time, their performance in China was loved by the Chinese people. Every performance was full of people. Everyone was attracted by their natural, free and happy music.This helped Sahaja Yoga China and to celebrate the events we wanted to host an online program ten years on from the landmark Tour”.
Below is the link to the event on YouTube:

Public Program & Celebration of Music of Joy’s 2010 China Tour

It was a coming together to remember the landmark Tours through China with the use of technology to link in the different cities as part of an in person and virtual Public Program .
It was an inspired use of technology in service of the Divine.  So much joy and vibrations. Well done to each and every one.  Just a beautiful evening. More or this in these challenging times is much needed.
Congratulations to MOJ, Australian and Chinese technical teams and all the  team in China and to all involved in putting this unique celebration program together to achieve something unique.


MOJ team

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