Sahaja Yoga Australia

5th Annual Mother’s Love Fundraising Auction

5th Annual Mother’s Love Fundraising Auction!

Mother’s Love Early Education & Childcare Centre, Burwood Sydney
1st – 11th of August, 2024

Shri Mataji with child and Mother’s Love Childcare Burwood

Dear Sahaj Family,

The time has come for our 5th Annual Mother’s Love Fundraising Auction! Also, we have a few announcements and requests from all the friends of Mother’s Love!

High tea
Firstly “save the date” for our annual High Tea on Sunday 22nd of September 2024 , we look forward to welcoming all the ladies from our collective to this wonderful event! If any ladies from around Australia would like to organise an event to raise funds please let us know!

Annual Auction
Our annual Auction will be held from the 1st – 11th of August, if any one has art works, pottery items, services or other items all donations would be gratefully received please let us know asap so we can upload to the Auction site!

Pledged donations
We have many members of our collective who have pledged donations, if you have a service or item that you would like to donate please let us know by sending an email to [email protected]

We are also putting together a Wishlist of items/activities that the centre would like to provide for the children. If anyone would like to donate/ sponsor we would be most grateful please send email to [email protected]

★ Here is the list:-
■ Fridge /Freezer approx $450
■ Smart TV $400
■ Stepping Stones for outside play $125
■ New Animal Carpet $650
■ Craft equipment organiser shelf $300
■ Children’s dress-up mirror $300
■ Incursions:

  • Indigenous Artist $400
  • Puppet Show $400
  • Storytelling Workshop $400
  • Drama Workshop $400

Direct donation
Should any Yogis prefer to directly donate, we would be grateful for any contribution. Our account
details are:

  • Name: Mother’s Love Early Education & Childcare Ltd
  • BSB: 012 245
  • Account Number: 406090421

Loving attention
We would be most grateful for everyone’s loving attention on Mother’s Love Childcare, the transformations we see in the children and families who attend Mother’s Love is testament to Shri Mataji’s vision of this sweet pocket of Her Love in our community.

With much love and gratitude for your support in keeping the Centre as a way of spreading Shri Mataji’s Love in the Community.

All at Mother’s Love Early Education & Childcare Centre

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