Sahaja Yoga Australia

New landing pages for global online programs

New landing pages for global online courses


Jai Shri Mataji!

Hope you find the following update about the new presentation structure for our global online programs of interest.

Since hosting the first 21 Day program in August 2021, we have facilitated over 50 courses/events for 14 countries/languages on our national web hosting and YouTube platforms which cover the regular 21 and 7 Day courses, World Realisation Day and World Yoga Day. These programs represent over 1,000 individual sessions that have been presented on Zoom and recorded to YouTube by the various global online teams to provide global seekers with over 1,800 hours of beautiful collective meditations, Shri Mataji’s talks, music, enlightened discussions and mentoring groups. Many online seekers have transitioned to join in-person meetings and collectives around the world to enjoy the company of Sahaja Yogis and to be in Shri Mataji’s loving attention.

The list of all the global courses (listed by date) are here:

Large numbers of YouTube views
The recorded YouTube events continue to attract large numbers of the viewers, long after the live Zoom events were hosted, with an estimated total number of 500,000 views on our national YouTube channel – see our YT channel here

We pray to our Divine Mother that these recordings will continue to give seekers their Self Realisation and enjoyment for many years to come.

New landing page for each language

To make it easier for global seekers to find and enjoy all the beautiful programs in one location, we are in the process of creating a unique website landing page for each language to include their video recordings, downloadable resources and links to each country’s respective website.

Here’s some examples of the new landing pages for some of the languages:

Some existing and new (Hebrew, Japan) languages are still to be translated/added. Future global online programs will be added to their relevant language landing page.

Next steps
Once all the languages have been added, we would like to share this update with the country coordinators and wider collective.

We will also start promoting the main index landing page for all the languages at to our database subscribers and on our Google Ads and social media platforms, and on our new mobile App (currently under development).

Thank you
Many thanks to all the teams and yogis who have contributed and supported the online programs over the past 3 years and the upcoming programs for 2024.

Thank you Shri Mataji for giving us the opportunity to share Your gift of Self Realisation with seekers from all around the world.

Jai Shri Mataji!

With love,
On behalf of the global online teams

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