Sahaja Yoga Australia

Update – Cadell Valley School, SA

Update – Cadell Valley School, SA

Jai Shri Mataji,

We are thrilled to share with you the latest developments regarding the Cadell Valley Sahaja School project. As many of you know, we embarked on this transformative journey with a vision to create a sacred space dedicated to nurturing the spiritual growth and holistic development of future generations.

We are pleased to announce significant progress achieved on multiple fronts. As you may be aware, we have acquired an existing school facility in Cadell Valley, South Australia, which had been recently out of use. We are delighted to inform you that the local council has confirmed the land’s zoning for school use, and their enthusiastic support for our project has been truly heartening.

In addition to securing the necessary land-use approvals and endorsements, we have achieved a significant milestone by obtaining ACNC (Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission) charity registration. What is remarkable is that ACNC status typically takes a few months, this was granted to us in a mere two weeks, confirming to us the auspiciousness of this project. As a result we are pleased to inform you that our charity tax concession status has also been confirmed by the tax office, allowing us to advance our mission with greater financial efficiency.

Development of accommodation blocks

Our current focus is on the development of accommodation blocks to accommodate future boarders at our school. To give you a glimpse into our vision, we have attached images of the draft building plans for your reference.

While we have made significant strides, there is still much work to be done. We are also diligently navigating the school registration and compliance process with the assistance of a dedicated specialist whom we have engaged for this purpose.

We currently estimate construction costs will be approximately $1 million to build a whole dormitory block for students and staff that will satisfy the high standards required by the school regulators. This total amount is not required immediately, we will commence a big collective fundraising push for the buildings at a future date (once the development approvals are obtained).


In the meantime, we would welcome and appreciate any regular donations from any Yogis who have the desire to contribute to the ongoing holding costs of the property and other costs related to the various works in progress. This includes the development application costs that we’ll incur to gain approval to commence the building works. The school bank details are:

  • Account Name: Nirmala Sarva Education Ltd
  • BSB: 064185
  • Account Number: 10509809


If Yogis have a desire to make a pledge toward the building construction when the time comes, these can be made on the CVVS school website:

We are deeply grateful for your unwavering support and commitment to this noble cause. Together, let us continue to sow the seeds of love, compassion, and wisdom in the hearts of our children, ensuring a brighter and more enlightened future for all.

With heartfelt gratitude and warm regards,

The Nirmala Sarva Education (NSE) Board
Daniel Firth, Mark Beaven, Jack Beaven, Brett Johnson, Rob Henshaw and Kabir Sattarshetty


Her Holiness Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
Shri Ganesha Puja 2007 Sydney

One comment

  1. Jennie Mairie

    This is such tremendous news and a wonderful, auspicious project for the land of innocence and wisdom, Australia, the land of Shri Ganesha and the Mooladhara Chakra of our Universe. Bulo Shri Ganesha Mataji, Shri Nirmala Devi, ki jai !!! And Bulo Shri Adi Shakti Mataji, Shri Nirmala Devi, ki jai !!!!

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