Sahaja Yoga Australia

Update from the Arabic and Hebrew 21 Day online courses

Update from the Arabic and Hebrew 21 Day online courses


Dear Sahaja Yogis,

🪷🪷🪷 With gratitude to Shri Mataji and joy in our hearts, we are pleased to share that the Arabic and Hebrew 21 Day online courses that were offered from June 29 to July 19 were a great success! 🪷🪷🪷

Contributions from 130 Yogis.
Thank you all for your powerful love and attention for the success of these courses! We were able to get the word out on social media thanks to contributions from the Israeli, Australian and US collectives, and individual contributions from 130 Sahaja Yogis. The funds ($10,000) were distributed equally between the two courses.

International team
The intensity of offering 21 days in a row demands collectivity. An international team worked on advertising, prepared translated videos, handouts and PowerPoints, and conducted programs with a Zoom tech team, presenters, musicians, and yogis for interactive breakout rooms.

Hands-on involvement by Sahaja Yogis from all over the world in all aspects of offering these courses was essential because the number of Arabic and Hebrew speaking yogis is very small. This international involvement brought a beautiful feeling for all of us, and certainly added to the subtle clearing and deepening that is so needed – both individually and collectively.

Seekers are staying and getting established
We felt a very positive forward movement. Seekers are staying and getting established, and all of us felt the tremendous joy of working together.

The connection between the Arabic and Hebrew courses was strong in our prayers and planning – and also manifested in the outcomes!

The Stats
The number of seekers who registered was similar for both courses – 740 for the Hebrew course and 561 for the Arabic course.

Both courses had about 110 Zoom participants on Day 1! Plus more who watched live on YouTube.

The YouTube views of the program recordings has exceeded expectations for both courses, with over 1500 views of Day 1 of the Arabic course and 700 views of Day 2 so far. For the Hebrew course, Day 1 has 525 views and Day 2 has 273 views so far. We estimate that approximately 50 – 60 seekers regularly watch the recording within a day or two of a live program.

The Arabic course received 34 requests from seekers to have a one-on-one mentor. The requests come from seekers in Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Yemen, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine and Israel. The Hebrew course received 16 requests from seekers to have a one-on-one mentor.

The Hebrew course has almost 200 in its seeker WhatsApp group, and the Arabic course has more than 400.

For the Hebrew course, there were 10 Hebrew-speaking presenters, 7 live musicians, 16 yogis on the Tech Team, and 16 mentors.

For the Arabic course, there were 7 Arabic-speaking presenters, 9 yogis on the Tech Team, and 7 mentors allocated to seekers so far.

Ongoing sessions
The Hebrew course is continuing with the Going Deeper 21 Day course three days a week (Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday) starting Tuesday, July 30 through Tuesday, August 13. After a break in late August, the course will continue.

There will be weekly Monday online programs during the summer coordinated by the 21 Day Arabic course team.

Watch the Arabic and Hebrew programs – live sessions and recordings.

Recordings from the 21 day Arabic and Hebrew programs can be viewed here:

What can you do?
– Continue to support both programs by leading breakout rooms and mentoring.

– Contribute now to enable us to promote the ongoing programs on social media.

We sincerely hope that these courses contribute at a subtle level to establishing peace in the Middle East.

With love and appreciation,

The Arabic and Hebrew 21 Day Course Teams

Comments from Course Participants

From an Arabic-speaking presenter:

“Day 1 of the event was particularly powerful, with more than 100 people taking part in Zoom. We felt a blast of vibrations. Participation dropped off a little on the following days – which also means that it’s important to continue promoting the programme on social media . But the seekers stay connected to Zoom right up to the end of each session and we often get very positive feedback. They thank us warmly. They talk to us a lot on the WhatsApp group where they share the sensations they have after each meditation, on their hands, in their bodies, etc. The small team of yoginis take the time to respond to each of their reactions.”

From Hebrew-speaking seekers:

“Thank you very much for the amazing course, I would also answer “yes” to the questionnaire. I remembered what kind of person I was before I grew up full of layers, I learned to know myself anew, enjoy nature, peace of mind. An amazing experience, thank you again and the universe for sending me the gift–this one. 🪷

“I would like to thank all our yogis for the wonderful, world-wide initiative, for the incredible investment, for the dedication, for the volunteering, for the good and pleasant spirit. And especially a heartfelt thank you for the amazing gift you give us with love and generosity 🙏🪷☀

“Hello everyone, many thanks to everyone who is involved in the 21 day meditation program. This is a real gift for all of us, thank you very much!”

From Arabic-speaking seekers:

“Thank you very much for everything you teach us. I just got out of the water and salt basin. It was an honestly unique experience. But I noticed that awful heat was coming out of my feet while they were in the water, even though the water was cold haha. But I am very happy with this beautiful experience, and God willing, it will be my habit from now on. All thanks and gratitude to all the beautiful supervisors, and peace and light to everyone who attends these sessions.”

“Great session and valuable information today? Today I was able to feel energy in all my chakras. Thank you very much, my dear.”

“I felt inner peace, my body is relaxed. I felt coolness in the right side. Thank you for your love.”

From an Arabic-speaking seeker who wrote this beautiful reply to another seeker in the group:
“Nothing is deeper than you, the whole consciousness is inside you, just put a sincere intention to realise the truth with love and peace, and follow the instructions of the sisters in meditation, their energy is very wonderful.

This is just a simple intervention to realise that all the secrets of the universe are inside you and that you are a great being.

And the answer to your question will be assigned to those responsible for the group.” 🙏🤍

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