Sahaja Yoga Australia

Australian Navaratri Puja Seminar – WA October 2024

Australian Navaratri Puja Seminar

Friday 4th to Sunday 6th October 2024

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Hosted at HH Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi’s

Gidgegannup Ashram

 1216 O’Brien Road, Gidgegannup, Western Australia
(Located 45 mins North East of Perth)
Google map • Getting to Gidgegannup

Invitation to Yogis

Jai Shri Mataji!

Dear Family, we invite all our Sahaja Yogi brothers and sisters to join us for the 2024 National Navaratri Puja seminar at Gidgegannup Ashram in WA.
With love,  The WA Collective

Visit Navaratri 2024 Website

Invitation to Shri Mataji

Dearest Holy Mother, Shri Mataji,
Your Australian children invite You to Navaratri Puja in Gidgegannup Ashram in Western Australia where we can collectively pray at Your Lotus Feet so that we may all become fearless to carry forward Your tremendous work of human emancipation as Your true Instruments.

Seminar Program

Friday 4th October 2024
Dinner, collective meditation, movie, footsoak

Saturday 5th October 2024
Morning meditation and clearing
Havan at 11am, lunch and activities
Dinner and entertainment night

Sunday 6th October 2024
Morning meditation, breakfast, preparing for Puja
** Navaratri Puja 12pm **

Seeking creative contributions

Entertainment Program – Seeking Contributions
We invite everyone, especially guests, to share their music, dance, poetry or other creations for the Evening program. Please share your talents with us and let us share in the joy together.

If you wish to share any poem or video at the entertainment night, please upload them here.

Cost & Registration

Local Adult: $121
Interstate Adult: $108
Pensioner/Concession: $70
Children (12 years and under): Free
Please get in touch with us for registration and queries at [email protected]

Airport arrivals

Pick up and drop off at the airport can be arranged. You are always welcome to come early or stay longer and enjoy the beautiful WA countryside!


Our spiritual preparation for Navaratri Puja.

Let us take the time to prepare ourselves spiritually, to ensure we fully absorb Shri Mataji’s vibrations that will flow when we worship Her during Navaratri Puja. Please see the links below to resources to help us in our own preparations for this auspicious event.

Navaratri Puja PhotosNavaratri Talks & Music Programs videosDevi MahatmyamPrayers & videos by yogis

Gidgegannup Ashram

Navaratri Puja Oct 2022 Gidgegannup WA

Visit Navaratri 2024 Website

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