Sahaja Yoga Australia

Collective Online Program – National and International Navaratri Pujas Oct 2024

 National and International Navaratri Pujas

5 – 7 October 2024

Watch live and recorded Pujas below.

Dear Family,

Jai Shri Mataji!

This weekend, the world collective comes together to celebrate Navaratri and to perform Puja to Our Divine Mother, Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi. During Navaratri, we celebrate the many aspects of the Devi who incarnated to destroy the negativity that attacks Her devotees. Shri Mataji has described the importance of Navaratri as… “with the help of the many incarnations of the Devi is the one which has brought you to Sahasrara. Without the help of the Devi at different stages of your ascent, you could not have been in a position to receive your Realisation.”

For those unable to attend a local centre, we have provided links below to the online national and international Pujas that will be held in Wamuran Ashram (near Brisbane) and Cabella Italy.

Let’s gather as one collective at our Divine Mother’s Lotus Feet to enjoy Her loving vibrations.

*** Watch Pujas Here ***

Live and recordings of Pujas are available below.

National Navaratri Puja 2024

Saturday 5th October 2024 • 5:30PM (Sydney time)
Hosted from Wamuran Ashram (near Brisbane)
Convert to your local time.

National Navaratri Puja and Seminar 2024, Gidgegannup Ashram WA

YouTube player

(Please note: Due to internet limitations at Gidgegannup Ashram, the Navaratri Puja from Wamuran Ashram in Queensland will be live streamed on behalf of the National Navaratri Puja in Gidgegannup.)

International Navaratri Puja 2024

Hosted from Cabella Italy
Cabella time: Sunday 6th October 2024 5PM
Sydney time: Monday 7th October 2024 2AM
Convert to your local time.

International Navaratri Puja and Seminar 2024, Cabella Italy

“…because that’s how you started getting your Realisation.”

“So, the ascent starts evolving. In that, the play of the Devi is the Navaratri – in your ascent – from ages. Navaratri: that’s why is the most important Puja. In Sahaja Yoga, Navaratri is the most important Puja. Though we can say in modern Sahaja Yoga Sahasrara Day is, because that’s how you started getting your Realisation. But if you go to the whole historical events of evolution you’ll find [that] Navaratri is the one which has brought you to Sahasrara. Without the help of the Devi at different stages of your ascent, you could not have been in a position to receive your Realisation. So, all the steps that you took in the past are today worshipped and are used for thanking the Devi for what She did to bring you down here. So, it’s like a Thanksgiving. Without Her work, nothing could have happened.”

Shri Mataji  – Navaratri Puja Talk: Complete Dedication, Switzerland, 19th October 1985


Her Holiness Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
Navaratri Puja, 5th Night Cabella 30th Sept 2022

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