Sahaja Yoga Australia

Collective Online Program – Celebrating Dussehra, Sunday 20th Oct 2024

National Online Program

Cabella 2024

Sunday 20th Oct 2024 • 7pm (Sydney time)
Hosted from Australia
Convert to your local time.
Watch live session and recording of program below.

Dear Family,

Jai Shri Mataji!

On 12th Oct 2024, yogis from around the world gathered in Cabella on the 10th Day of Navaratri  to celebrate Dussehra, the day Lord Rama killed Ravana who Shri Mataji describes as “the worst enemy of human beings.”

We invite yogis to join us this Sunday to enjoy a replay of the Cabella celebrations with Puja and songs of praise to our Divine Mother.

The program will include Shri Mataji’s Dussehra talk which She gave at Burwood Ashram (Sydney) in 2007.

Let’s gather as one collective at our Divine Mother’s Lotus Feet to enjoy Her loving vibrations.

*** Watch Program Here ***

Live session and a recording of the program are available below.

YouTube player

“He was the worst enemy of human beings, and he was killed.”

“So today is Dussehra, is a very big day in India. They say on this day Ravana was killed. He was the worst enemy of human beings, and he was killed. But whatever it is then, as a memory of that great man, Shri Ram, they celebrate today Dussehra. And on this day, they say, those who are dushtas, means bad people or we can say negative, they are killed. Can you imagine? (chuckles)

So this day is regarded as a very important day in India, and they make a big statue of Ravana. You all know who was Ravana, (yogis: “Yes, Shri Mataji”) whom Shri Rama killed. He was a horrible fellow and he took away the wife of Shri Ram, Sita, by force. But She was such a chaste woman that he couldn’t touch her. He tried; he couldn’t touch Her. He couldn’t achieve any power over Her. On the contrary She was very powerful. So at that time, Shri Rama’s mother-in-law, I should say, who was the wife of Dasharata, she said …she used to..she’s like a big saadhuni, and she said “that from today two marriages are not allowed, only one”. So among Hindus there’s only one marriage. They don’t have two marriages and regard it as very sinful to have another woman, according to Indian culture. There are some people who do it, but it’s wrong. Is not Indian.”

Shri Mataji – 10th Day of Navaratri, Dussehra Celebrations Burwood Ashram Sydney 2007

Recordings from International Navaratri Puja and Seminar 2024, Cabella Italy

Recordings from National Navaratri Puja and Seminar 2024, Gidgegannup Ashram WA

Her Holiness Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
Dussehra Celebrations Cabella 12th October 2024

Her Holiness Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
10th Day of Navaratri, Dussehra Celebrations Burwood Ashram Sydney 2007

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