Speech of the Week
Devi Puja
7th February 1985 Bordi India
“Only the peace within can register whatever is auspicious” – Shri Mataji
Dear Family,
Jai Shri Mataji!
Dear Brother and Sister Sahaja Yogis.
By Mothers grace, we pray each of us is progressing well in our ascent and we have attention on the spirit.
This week, we will collectively focus on developing the peace within.
HH Shri Mataji shares Her Divine wisdom on peace being the keynote for growth of our universal religion and what we need to do individually to achieve peace within.
This speech is especially for all of us! Each and every Sahaja Yogi must imbibe the words spoken by our Holy Mother HH Shri Mataji, to heal and develop the collectivity.
Devi Puja
7th February 1985 Delhi
“Only the peace within can register whatever is auspicious…”
“Such a personality has to be developed outside. So, peace with your friends, peace with Sahaja Yogis. If you cannot be peaceful with Sahaja Yogis then you are no good. Absolutely no good. When you meet another Sahaja Yogi you can’t bark like dogs at each other, can you? You leave three Sahaja Yogis together, you end up with a big barking system. They can’t manage within themselves.”
“…whatever I say is a mantra. It should have direct effect on you, and you should feel that effect, that penetration within you. But as if it is for somebody else, as if it is not for you. This shows there is no peace within you.
Only the peace within can register whatever is auspicious, whatever is nourishing for your growth. So try to make peace with yourself.”
Shri Mataji Devi Puja Bordi (India) 7th February 1985
Jai Shri Mataji!
Shri Mataji – Devi Puja
7th February 1985 Delhi