Sahaja Yoga Australia

Invitation to join the team – Australia’s ‘Let’s Meditate for 21 Days’ course

Invitation to join the team

Australia’s “Let’s Meditate for 21 Days” course

Course starts Monday 24th March 2025, 9pm (Sydney time)

Dear yogis,

On 21st March 2025, we Commemorate the Birthday of our Divine Mother, Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi.

To celebrate this auspicious day, we would like to host a “Let’s Meditate for 21 Days” online program. The event will be promoted around Australia through our large coloured public notice Commemorating Shri Mataji’s Birthday in “The Australian” newspaper (which is distributed around Australia with a readership of 450,000); our seekers’ email database, Facebook, Meetup, Eventbrite and other social media platforms.

We’ll also seek promotional support from other English speaking collectives around the world.

Join the Core team

To kick-off this project, we are inviting yogis the join the core team as – coordinators, presenters, technical support, Guest speakers, mentor coordinators and handouts/resources producers.

Join the team’s WhatsApp group

If you would like to participate, please join our WhatsApp group and let us know which areas you would like to join.

A Zoom meeting will be held in the evening of Monday 3rd March 2025 – details will be shared in the above WhatsApp group.

Everyone welcome to join!

Let’s make this an Australia wide collective event as a Birthday gift to Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi.


Contact us at [email protected]

Jai Shri Mataji!

With love, the web team.

“So our main problem is to open the Sahasrara of the people all over the world;”

“So far they were human beings at a lower level of existence, and they had all the problems of that level: jealousies, hatred; all kinds of problems that are today – of fighting, of troubling others, destroying others and not loving others. All these problems existed because their Sahasrara was not opened. So our main problem is to open the Sahasrara of the people all over the world; which is very simple, which you can all do it, and it will work better if you do it collectively. If you are collective you can work it out very well. Like that in Sahaj Yoga so many people have come whose Sahasrara was completely opened and they felt their depth.”

Shri Mataji – Sahasrara Puja Cabella 5th May 2002

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