Support for the Collective during these challenging times
(March 2020)
Dearest Family,
Jai Shri Mataji!
We pray to Our Divine Mother Shri Mataji for Her blessings and protection at this time for all Sahaja Yogis all over the world. It is at the Holy Lotus Feet of Shri Mataji where we find our refuge and our strength. We know that everything in the Universe is in Her control. We humbly ask Her Holiness Shri Mataji that may She keep all Sahaja Yogis safe from the Covid19 coronavirus and to stop its spread throughout the world and to save all of humanity.
Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi Sahasrara Puja, Thredbo, Australia 3rd May 1987
In these times, feelings of distress and anxiety are common
Like so many in our society we may also be experiencing significant challenges as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.
In these times, feelings of distress and anxiety are common. As Yogis we are not immune from what is happening all around us and within our personal circumstances. We see insecurity, social isolation and loneliness as a result of physical isolation and restrictions imposed upon us all by the COVID-19 pandemic. This in turn may put significant pressure on our overall mental and physical health and sense of well being. In such times of uncertainty, it might be difficult to know how to reach out for any support you may need. There has never been a more critical time for our collective to reach out to each other and provide support to all our brothers and sisters, particularly those we know may be in need. This is a challenging time for all, but what we can all do as Yogis is support each other in particular those who live on their own, are isolated, elderly or who may not have any family around. It is our responsibility to reach out to Yogis and ask if they are OK, if they need any help. The last thing we want is for anyone to be suffering in silence and feel there is no support available.
The collective is here to help
Sahaja Yoga Australia is here to help. One way of doing that is to ensure Yogis can continue their collective spiritual life online through the regular hosting of Sahaja Yoga webinar events. It is important for all of us to keep connected in this way. While we may be physically isolated we are not socially or spiritually alone
We are here to help each other
We are here to help each other and if you feel you or anyone you know have any need whatsoever please reach out to any Sahaja Yoga Councillor for any help navigating these most challenging times.
Our Councillor and Trustee contact numbers are listed here:
- Florian Schulze: 0452 567 560
- Susanne Malone: 0431 590 889
- Brett Johnson: 0403 158 481
- Suhas Bhasale: 0406 037 524
- Andrii Grybovskyi: 0435 546 726
- Eugena Brugh 0404 233 365
- Hauke Horn: 0425 223 304
- Colin Berry: 0419 308 212
- Reza Bostani: 0401 118 700
- Mayank Kumar: 0434 244 233
- Chris Kyriacou: 0411 546 246
Let’s all just check in and make sure all our Uncles, Aunties, brothers and sisters are content and well. These times are a wonderful opportunity to connect with our brothers and sisters around the world and close to home in the deep and nourishing space of Sahasrara
Sahaja Yoga Councillors and Trustees