Sahaja Yoga Australia

ACT State Councillor Rotation

ACT State Councillor Rotation

Dear Yogis,

Jai Shri Mataji!

The ACT State Councillor vibration check was held after Adi Shakti Puja at Hiawatha in front of the collective.

Like all Council selections, the vibrational process was fair, documented and no Council member participated.

Himanshu Diwakar amongst 5 other candidates came out as the coolest choice.

Himanshu’s name has been offered at Shri Mataji’s Holy Lotus Feet in Burwood Ashram as is the protocol.

We congratulate and thank Himanshu for accepting the role and offering his service to Shri Mataji and the advancement of Sahaja Yoga.

Following a brief transition period, Gulshan Fisher will retire from her current role as ACT State Councillor at the time of Guru Puja. Having served the collective generously, graciously and tirelessly over the past three years, we share our sincere and heartfelt thanks to Gulshan for her dedication and devotion to our Holy Mother’s vision for humanity.

Warm Regards,
The Australian Council for Sahaja Yoga

Her Holiness Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
Talk to Sahaja Yogis – Complete Dedication and Complete Devotion
Nirmala Palace Ashram Nightingale Lane, London 6th August 1982

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