Sahaja Yoga Australia

After Winter comes Spring.

After Winter comes Spring.
Nature expressed in Shri Mataji’s Australian homes.

Dear Family,

Jai Shri Mataji!

I hope many of you have had a chance to enjoy the online Shri Ganesha Puja festival over the past two weeks and a special thanks to all the yogis around the country (and the world) who worked with tremendous devotion and love to bring it all together so beautifully.

What an auspicious way for us to welcome in Spring in this land of Shri Ganesha.

Along that same Spring theme, Uncle Chris K has put together a lovely video for our collective enjoyment and is shared below.

The video is a meditation on, and celebration of Mother Nature and our many Sahaja properties around the country that Shri Mataji has so kindly blessed us with, also featuring some footage of Shri Mataji visiting some of the properties.

As I watched, it reminded me of how blessed we are as a collective to live in this beautiful country and how generous Mother and Her Australian children have been to establish these centres of worship and collectivity around this great land.

It also made me very thankful to all our Yogi gardeners around the country who work with Mother Earth to beautify our properties and bring joy to the collective through their efforts.

To all our yogi gardeners, whether you work on our collective properties or you just love a little gardening at home, we thank you for pleasing our Holy Mother and improving our collective Mooladhara.


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With Love,

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