Announcement of New Trustee-Directors
Dear Family,
Following the MahaSankranti Puja on the 14th of January 2025 held at Her Holiness Shri Mataji’s Burwood home, the Selection Management Team conducted a vibration check for the selection of candidates from various states who offered themselves to be considered as additional Trustee-Directors of Life Eternal Trust Australia.
All applicants followed the nomination process and certifications needed as potential directors of a company.
The process was carried out in full accordance with the Selection Policy on the website as approved by HH Shri Mataji, and was run by independent yogis with no involvement by Trustees, Councillors, past or present, or their family members in the process or outcome.
New Trustee-Directors
The successful candidates chosen, as indicated via the Param Chaitanya and reflecting Her Holiness Shri Mataji’s Will as new Trustee-Directors, are:
- Mr Matthew Copper
- Mr Keiran McPhail
- Mr Colin Berry
A letter announcing the new Trustee-Directors has been offered to HH Shri Mataji and was placed at Her Lotus Feet at Nirmal Dham in New Delhi.
Download Letter to Her Holiness Shri Mataji
Jai Shri Mataji !
With love,
The Selection Management Team
( More details about the original invitation and application process can be viewed here.)
“Support each other”
“You are different people, you have to support each other, you have to look after each other, you have to understand each other because you are the people of a different awareness living among people who are blind, who can hit you, they can do some harm to you.”
Her Holiness Shri Mataji – London 1987
Sahaja Yogis – Balmoral Ashram (near Sydney) 20th March 2006
Her Holiness Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi