Sahaja Yoga Australia

Australian and International Shri Adi Guru Puja Celebrations – 19 to 21 July 2024

Australian and International

Shri Adi Guru Puja Celebrations

19th to 21st July 2024

Dear Family,

This weekend, the world collective comes together to worship our Holy Mother, Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, in Her Divine form of Shri Adi Guru with celebrations of Havan, evening music programs and Her Divine Guru Puja.

Yogis not able to attend the national or a local Guru Puja, are invited to join this weekend’s online events from Wamuran (near Brisbane) and Cabella (Italy). Events will be streamed live and recorded.

Please visit these websites for the full program, streaming schedules and recordings.

Australian Shri Adi Guru Puja

Visit website:

International Shri Adi Guru Puja

Visit website:

“The State of Guru”

“Today, I bless you. I have completed the twelve years of Guru’s and you should really assume the Shiva’s powers within yourself. I, that is My body, My mind, My heart, everything, has spared no efforts to completely indulge into this cleansing, into this making, into this becoming of you people. I request you now that, please do not waste My efforts. Look at yourself, help yourself and try to rise higher and higher to become your Self. When you become your Self, then you become the Guru. And once you become the Guru, you become Brahmadeva, Mahesha and Vishnu.

So first, you are made in the pattern of Ganesha, then Brahma, Vishnu, Mahesha. But very much depends on your readiness to do it and, most of all, your honesty and sincerity. I hope Shri Ganesha will give you the wisdom to understand. The Shakti will give you shakti to work hard. And Shiva will give you joy – Sadashiva will give you the joy so that you proceed in your establishment. May God bless you.” – H.H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi 🌹

Guru Puja, “The State of Guru”, Switzerland 14th July 1984


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