Sahaja Yoga Australia

Cabella School – Call for staff and volunteers

“Encourage them to feel part and parcel of the whole… that we are all one and they enjoy the collective oneness”
Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

Jai Shri Mataji!

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Working in a Sahaj School may be the most challenging, joy-giving and spiritually deepening experience you could ever have imagined. 

To get the chance to live in such a dynamic place, with an incredible rhythm of growth, offering all the work at the Lotus Feet of Shri Mataji, with the only desire to please Her and give back as much as we can, is an amazingly rich journey where theory becomes practice, where knowledge becomes awareness and everything works out in complete auspiciousness under Her guidance.

Reflections of previous year’s staff

To sketch a picture of what it means to work and live with Her children, under the Bandhan of attention of Shri Mataji, we have collected some reflections of previous year’s staff below.

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You are really in the core of Sahaja Yoga, protecting and nurturing its future. These children will be the pillars on which Sahaj stands and you have to see how you can help them, firstly through love and showing them that you care for them, that they are important. To be given that responsibility is a great honor and shows the trust your Mother has in you. It is also a space in your life that will nourish you for the rest of your life.
Prasad, teacher

I enjoy seeing and receiving endless love from the children, and that has helped me to open my heart and be more patient. Even when I’m in a bad mood, trying and struggling, they are always so sweet.
Ambe, caregiver

What I enjoyed most was having the opportunity to care for and look after Mother’s children, loving them like your own, teaching them Sahaj culture… or was it the other way round? Helping to prepare them in a gentle way for their great task and strengthen them to face the temptations of life.
Christina, caregiver

There are many things I enjoy. The innocence and beauty of the children is probably the thing that comes first. Even if my tendency is always that of trying to correct and discipline them and to contain their naughtiness, they always know how to win me over through their innocence, their joy and their simplicity.
Elena, teacher

It gave me a lot of motivation, to see what we can get out of the children by the way we talk to them, not like just a child but considering that they are great souls, people able to do great things.
Charlotte, caregiver

What I really enjoyed, was to see the world again like I saw it as a child – so simple, so beautiful. Living in society, I forgot. Every day is beautiful, if you look at it that way.
Emaunele, teacher

Cabella School is a chemistry pot for growth. There are many challenges, but at the same time you are very well looked after at every level. First of all it is Shri Mataji’s school. It is so alive, you have to constantly wake up if you would fall asleep – you have to keep alert. What is the essence of teaching? I would say to keep your attention on Sahasrara. Different situations come up and you can see yourself do things you would have never thought of. Anything negative that strikes the class, you can see it very easily and somehow find ways to overcome it. My strength here is my attention on my own state when I am with the children, so that I can be a role model and an instrument.
Devdut, teacher

Positions for the coming year

For the coming year, we are looking for:

  • a head of boarding to be in charge of the boarding house of Cabella School,
  • a Health Coordinator
  • caregivers (dorm aunties or uncles),
  • teachers (including an experimented English teacher for class 1, an experimented Italian teacher, a teacher skilled in learning needs) / teaching assistants,
  • a cook and a cook’s assistant,
  • an uncle to assist us with driving and maintenance.

More information

More information on the role requirements and the application procedure can be found on the Job CISS page of our website.

All applicants must be available for the entire school year (from mid-August 2021 until beginning of July 2022) and eligible to stay in Europe (Schengen) for this period (i.e. have a European passport or residence permit).

If you have any questions, you can contact us by email [email protected] or WhatsApp Mathieu: +39 351 5616651.

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Please help us by forwarding this message to all yogis / yoginis who may enjoy spending a year with us, supporting the children in their growth and discovering new dimensions within themselves in this school of Shri Mataji, which is a school of life for each of us…
Jai Shri Mataji!
Mathieu for the Cabella International Sahaja School team
[email protected]