Sahaja Yoga Australia
Australian Council Member Updates

Australian Council Member Updates

/ ACT, Council Selection, National, Victoria
Leela Frankcombe has kindly accepted the role as the second ACT State Councillor.
ACT State Councillor Rotation

ACT State Councillor Rotation

Himanshu’s name has been offered at Shri Mataji’s Holy Lotus Feet in Burwood Ashram as is the protocol.
Our New State Councillors

Our New State Councillors

/ Council Selection, National
Having offered their names at Shri Mataji's Holy Lotus Feet, it gives us great pleasure to announce our new State Councillors who will be joining the Australian Council from today.
State Councillor Nominations

State Councillor Nominations

/ Council Selection, National
Over the next two weeks, we are seeking nominations for Yogis to fulfil the State Councillor role.
New National Councillors

New National Councillors

/ Council Selection, National
Having offered their names at Shri Mataji's Holy Lotus Feet, I am pleased to announce the new National Councillors.
National Councillor rotations

National Councillor rotations

/ Council Selection, National
We'll be attending to our normal National Councillor selections this coming weekend for Victoria, NSW and Queensland.