Sahaja Yoga Australia
O beloved Daughter of the mountains

O beloved Daughter of the mountains

/ LETA-Council, National
O beloved Daughter of the mountains, the One who brings about great joy to the earth.
Shri Ganesha Atharvasheersha Prayer

Shri Ganesha Atharvasheersha Prayer

Amen. Obeisance to Thee Lord of the Ganas You are verily the Primordial Principle.
The 108 Holy Names of Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

The 108 Holy Names of Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

These are 108 of the thousand names of the Maha-devi given in the Shri Lalita Sahasranama.
Mother please come in my heart

Mother please come in my heart

"Prayer to the Mother Mother, please come in my heart. Let me clean my heart so that You are there." Shri Mataji