Sahaja Yoga Australia

Celebrating India Republic Day 26 January 2025

Celebrating India Republic Day 26 January 2025

India celebrates its 76th Republic Day on January 26, 2025. This day is special as it was on this day that India adopted its constitution in 1950, when India became a sovereign republic. Read more about this day below.

We celebrate this day by sharing Shri Mataji’s Republic Day talk below from 26th January 1982 in Lonavala India.


“It’s a day of our independence of this great country”

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Shri Mataji’s Republic Day talk  on 26th January 1982 in Lonavala India.

“Again it’s a great day. It’s a day of our independence of this great country and also the national day of Australia. It is such a great thing to be independent and free. The worst thing is the slavery.

Today we celebrate our freedom from that slavery that we had for three hundred years. But slavery does not go easily, only by celebrating our Independence Day. It has to go completely from our minds. And one has to realize that we are really independent people now.

We are independent it does not mean that we are abandoned people. Those who have not paid anything to achieve this independence cannot understand also the value of this independence. The slavery is in our mind still lingering on.”

Shri Mataji – Republic Day Lonavala India 26th Jan 1982

About Republic Day

Republic Day is celebrated in India for the adoption of its own constitution on 26 January 1950, after freedom from British Rule.

The constitution replaced the Government of India Act 1935 as the governing document of India, thus turning the nation from a dominion into a republic, following its independence from the British Raj in 1947. The constitution was adopted by the Constituent Assembly of India on 26 November 1949 and came into effect on 26 January 1950. This date was chosen because the Indian National Congress had proclaimed Purna Swaraj (complete independence) on that date in 1930.

Republic Day is widely associated with parades, political speeches, cultural events and ceremonies, as well as various public and private celebrations of India’s history, government, and traditions.

One comment

  1. Jennie Mairie

    We are privileged today to celebrate India’s Republic Day and Australia Day on the same day. How blessed we are to have the Mooladhara and the Kundalini of the Universe united today in our hearts. We thank our Beloved Divine Mother for our continuing blessings, and for our awareness, knowledge, and our powers of unconditional love. Jai Shri Mataji !!!

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