Sahaja Yoga Australia

Christmas Puja Saturday 1st December 7pm Burwood

Dear Sahaja family,

Jai Shri Mataji!

We will celebrate Christmas Puja at HH Shri Mataji’s Burwood Temple on Saturday 1st December at 7pm. This way families leaving for ISPS to collect their children and Yogis going on India Tour will be able to attend.

Groups rostered on are:
  • Set up: Group 6 Gardenia
  • Cooking: Group 7 Gerbera
  • Wash up: Group 8 Rose
  • Dismantle: Group 9  Daisy
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“I must have said lots of things about Christ before, and how Jesus Christ is related to Shri Radhaji, that he is the incarnation of Shri Ganesha who was the son of the Adi Shakti to begin with but then he was given to Shri Radhaji and Shri Radha created as Mahalaxmi, as Mother Mary this great incarnation of Christ.”
HH Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi – Christmas Puja, Ganapatipule, 25 December 1992.

Full Transcript with Audio and Video

NSW Councillors