Sahaja Yoga Australia

Collective Online Program – “Our attention becomes peaceful” 9th June 2024

National Online Program

“Our attention becomes peaceful”

Sunday 9th June 2024 • 7pm (Sydney time)
Convert to your local time.
Watch live session and recording of program below.

Dear Family,

Jai Shri Mataji!

Please join our collective meditation this Sunday to enjoy Shri Mataji’s talk on the importance of establishing our divine Attention which emits peace.

“So spontaneously our attention becomes peaceful, absolutely peaceful, and when that peace is achieved, that peace is established within your heart through the ascent, then every bit of that peace emits peace.” Shri Mataji

Let’s gather as one collective at our Divine Mother’s Lotus Feet to enjoy Her loving vibrations.

*** Watch Program Here ***

Live session and a recording of the program are available below.

YouTube player

“So spontaneously our attention becomes peaceful, absolutely peaceful,..”

“The Kundalini which is a potential thing, which is a potential power of desire within us, which is we can solve the primitive, manifests itself and becomes aware itself. That is what is Sahaja Yoga today, it’s all Sahaja, it’s all spontaneous all life process has been spontaneous, but today that is what it is. So spontaneously our attention becomes peaceful, absolutely peaceful, and when that peace is achieved, that peace is established within your heart through the ascent, then every bit of that peace emits peace. Such a person wherever he is, he emits peace, wherever he is, if there is quarrel going on, there will be peace. Even we have seen if there one person who is a realised soul in a train, and if there is an accident everybody is saved, even one person. There are many examples where, in a bus there was one lady who was a realised soul and the bus fell down with three somersaults and fell on its four legs and everybody was safe and the thing started and they tried to find out who was the realised soul, because in India we understand these things. We are more grown up in spiritual sensitivity than in the material sensitivity. You are very sensitive to material things we should also learn something from you I should say, but you should also learn something from us and that is the spiritual sensitivity. To understand what serenity is and what superficiality is.”

Shri Mataji – Public Program Chiswick Town Hall London 10th July 1984

Her Holiness Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
Saint George Celebration on Arrival, Chiswick Town Hall, London 22 April 2006


  1. Being National sahaj agriculture coordinator India my more attention on sahaja yoga and sahaja agriculture in rural areas of India.Every state have State coordinator and district/rural coordinator to promote sahaja yoga and sahaj agriculture activities.

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