Sahaja Yoga Australia

Collective Online Program – Peace: The power of the Nabhi Chakra, 29thJune 2024

National Online Program

Peace – The power of the Nabhi Chakra

Saturday29th June 2024 • 4pm (Sydney time)
Hosted from Victoria
Convert to your local time.
Watch live session and recording of program below.

Dear Family,

Jai Shri Mataji!

Please join our collective meditation this Saturday to hear the qualities of the Nabhi Chakra, and Shri Lakshmi, as described by Shri Mataji during Her 1981 public lecture in Sydney.

“Lakshmi is the Goddess, is the power within us, by which we balance…”

Let’s gather as one collective at our Divine Mother’s Lotus Feet to enjoy Her loving vibrations.

*** Watch Program Here ***

Live session and a recording of the program are available below.

YouTube player

“Lakshmi is the Goddess, is the power within us, by which we balance,”

“But in the center is the Lakshmi. Lakshmi is the Goddess, is the power within us, by which we balance, lead a very balanced life, by which we are satisfied.

Now they have made a beautiful picture of this Lakshmi also one should understand this power – is a Lady, is a Mother and She stands on a lotus. Now these are all symbols which suggest that these symbols are carved out with such deep significance. She stands on a lotus. Means imagine, who can stand on a lotus? And She’s a very healthy woman, very healthy woman and She stands on a lotus. It means that, that She is never putting pressure on anyone.”

Shri Mataji – Public program Maccabean Hall, Sydney 27th March,1981



Her Holiness Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
Shri Lakshmi Puja, Burwood Ashram Sydney 1981


Shri Lakshmi with Shri Saraswatiand and Shri Ganesha

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