National Collective Program
Preparing for New Year 2025
“You All Have to Become Masters in Sahaja Yoga.”
Sunday 29th December 2024 • 7PM (Sydney time)
Convert to your local time.
Hosted from Balmoral Ashram, near Sydney
Watch live session and recording of program below.
Dear Family,
Jai Shri Mataji!
As we prepare for the beginning of 2025, let us promise Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi that throughout the coming year we will offer Self Realisation to as many seekers as possible. We will ask ourselves regularly how many people have we given Realisation to and what have we achieved for Sahaja Yoga?
Let us dedicate our whole mental, emotional, physical and spiritual being to saving people. Let us assume our roles as Sahaja Yogis and give Realisation to all seekers which will please Her Holiness Shri Mataji, who is the Ultimate Doer of all deeds that are done, are being done and will be done.
Please join us on Sunday for our collective meditation which will include Shri Mataji’s New Year lecture and Divine Puja held in Kalwa India on 31 December 2000.
Shri Mataji, may we gather at Your Lotus Feet as one strong and united collective to enjoy Your loving vibrations.
“…you all have to become masters in Sahaja Yoga.”
“Now, we are starting a New Year, and I wish you all a very happy and prosperous New Year.
In this wish of Mine I also wish you a very deep growth in Sahaja Yoga. Now you all are Sahaja Yogis and you all have to become masters in Sahaja Yoga. For becoming masters in Sahaja Yoga I am sure you are doing meditation, introspection and all kinds of Sahaja Yoga rituals, I should say. In this New Year, I’ll think there is greater chance for you to do much better, because all those years of ordeals are over. We are now entering into the New Era. I say now the Satya Yuga is established. In the beginning you may not feel the atmosphere of Kali Yuga being cleared out completely. Of course, gradually you’ll find that’s all clearing out and all the people who are dangerous for your spiritual life, for your national life, for your family life, will have to take back their way; they cannot be successful here. Now the Sahaja Yogis have to decide how far they will spread Sahaja Yoga all over. How many people can get into Sahaja Yoga?”
Shri Mataji – New Year Puja Kalwa (India) 31st December 2000
Her Holiness Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi – New Year Puja Kalwa (India) 31st December 2000
Let all of us also resolve, at all times, to remember the Adi Guru, Shri Confucius’s Doctrine of Reciprocity: Do Unto Others As You Would Have Them Do Unto You.
Bulo Shri Confucius Mataji, Shri Nirmala Devi, ki jai !!! Jai Shri Mataji !!!