Sahaja Yoga Australia

Collective Online Program – Preparing for Shri Krishna Puja, 10th August 2024

National Online Program

Preparing for Shri Krishna Puja

Saturday 10th August 2024 • 11AM (Sydney time)
Hosted from Melbourne
Convert to your local time.
Watch live session and recording of program below.

Dear Family,

Jai Shri Mataji!

In preparation for Shri Krishna Puja later this month, please join our collective meditation where we will enjoy Shri Mataji’s lecture on the importance of surrender by becoming God’s instrument so He can play His melody through us.

“So, you play the melody of God.”

Let’s gather as one collective at our Divine Mother’s Lotus Feet to enjoy Her loving vibrations.

*** Watch Program Here ***

Live session and a recording of the program are available below.

YouTube player

“So, you play the melody of God.”

“Right-hand side comes when we talk big. It’s a common thing with your politicians, they talk very big. They think they are very responsible people and do all irresponsible things. So, when you want to spoil that chakra, one has to do some irresponsible talk. So, like that, we can say, “I will do this for you, I will do that. I like it, I can find this, I can manage this,” finished. When you start saying, in the ego-form that, “I have to do this, I will do this,” then our ego shows up. But on the contrary, if you say, “I have to do for you, Father; I have to do for you, Mother, it’s your work I’m doing,” then the whole thing disappears and you get that beautiful thing called “surrender” which is “Islam”. “Islam” is nothing but surrender. So, you surrender yourself by saying, ‘This is Your work, Father; I’m working for You, I’m Your instrument, I’m Your flute’. So, you play the melody of God.”

Shri Mataji – Shri Krishna Puja New Jersey USA, 2nd June 1985


Her Holiness Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
Shri Krishna Puja New Jersey USA, 2nd June 1985

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