Sahaja Yoga Australia

Collective Online Program – Sahaja Yoga is the only solution, 14th Sept 2024

National Online Program

Sahaja Yoga is the only solution

Saturday 14th Sept 2024 • 5PM (Sydney time)
Hosted from Melbourne
Convert to your local time.
Watch live session and recording of program below.

Dear Family,

Jai Shri Mataji!

This Saturday, we humbly invite Shri Mataji to our collective program where She will describe how Her transformative Sahaja Yoga movement will bring about change in poverty, politics, economics, and in every field of life.

“Sahaja Yoga is the only solution…”

Let’s gather as one collective at our Divine Mother’s Lotus Feet to enjoy Her loving vibrations.

*** Watch Program Here ***

Live session and a recording of the program are available below.

YouTube player

“Sahaja Yoga is the only solution…”

“As you know, we have no organisations, no memberships, nothing. But we have one thing, that we know we are realised souls, that we know more than all others know, and that we are not proud of it. We are very humble people. But this humility should not become a stagnation or a lethargy within us that, “Now we are Realised souls, let us sit on a tree and have our blessings.” You have to get to the roots and you all have to work it out on your level.

But first get rid of your own personal problems, all petty things that you have. When we talk of sacrifice, as you know, in Sahaja Yoga I have not known what sacrifice people have done. You have to sacrifice your ego, which is a headache to you and to Me. And you have to sacrifice your conditioning, only two things, left and right.

And that can be achieved and many have achieved [it], but now put that detached personality to a test. And then, once you are sure that you are detached, then employ your energy in doing constructive improvement of this whole world.

It will work out for poverty, it will work out for politics, it will work out for economics, it will work out for every field of life. Sahaja Yoga is the only solution because in this human beings are transformed. It’s not like this, that one person changes the address or the badge that he is wearing, and he becomes something else. Or from church to temple and temple to church. It’s something within that transforms you, makes you knowledgeable. So, you are already “Sat Chit Ananda”; because you know the truth, you are in joy and your attention is enlightened.”

Shri Mataji – Christmas Puja Ganapatipule 25th December, 1988

Her Holiness Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
Christmas Puja Ganapatipule 25th December 1988

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