Sahaja Yoga Australia

Collective Online Program – The Guru: Dignity and Gravity, 7th July 2024

National Online Program

The Guru: Dignity and Gravity,

Sunday 7th July 2024 • 6pm (Sydney time)
Hosted from Brisbane
Convert to your local time.
Watch live session and recording of program below.

Dear Family,

Jai Shri Mataji!

In preparation for this month’s Shri Adi Guru Puja, let’s hear Shri Mataji’s lecture on the importance of us talking with dignity and gravity.

“…you must talk with dignity and gravity”

Let’s gather as one collective at our Divine Mother’s Lotus Feet to enjoy Her loving vibrations.

*** Watch Program Here ***

Live session and a recording of the program are available below.

YouTube player

“…you must talk with dignity and gravity”

“While talking you should not be very silent nor over-talkative. Any extreme should be given up and you must talk with dignity and gravity, and with experience, with understanding.

Now, supposing you have some problems, sit down in your meditation and find out. You will find out within yourself the answer. If not you can always ask. Now you will be amazed how the powers will be flowing through you.”

Shri Mataji Guru Puja, London 21 07 1978

Her Holiness Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
Guru Puja, London 21 07 1978

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