National Collective Program
Worshipping the Hamsa Chakra
“… We get the Divine Discretion.”
Sunday 8th December 2024 • 7:30PM (Sydney time)
Convert to your local time.
Hosted by the Australian collective
Watch live session and recording of program below.
Dear Family,
Jai Shri Mataji!
Please join us this weekend for our collective online program where we will worship the Hamsa chakra.
The Hamsa chakra is placed between the two eyebrows. “The Hamsa Chakra is the very pivotal centre, which expresses auspiciousness in our awareness. That means, if this centre is alert and awakened, then we immediately know what is auspicious and what is not auspicious, or we can call it, we get the Divine Discretion.” Shri Mataji, Vancouver 1992.
In preparation for the program, please consider applying a few drops of ghee to the nose as Shri Mataji has instructed many times.
“I have told many a times to put some ghee every day. Get a little bottle of ghee, keep it with you with a little dropper. You can put it in the hot water, you can heat it up every day, and take two drops in the nose in the night and in the morning time. It doesn’t take much, but it should be done. It’s for your good.” Shri Mataji, Sydney 6th May 1987.
The program will include: Hamsa miracle photos of Shri Mataji, Shri Mataji’s Hamsa Talk and Puja highlights from 1992 in Vancouver and an audio of Shri Mataji singing after the Germany Hamsa Puja in 1989.
Shri Mataji, may we gather at Your Lotus Feet as one strong and united collective to enjoy Your loving vibrations.
“… We get the Divine Discretion.”
“Today we are going to worship the Hamsa Chakra. So far we have been always worshipping a Deity and this is the second time you are worshipping this centre of Hamsa. Now this chakra is, it is, you know, placed between the two eyebrows and two eyes represent the left and the right side. So this centre is very much guided by our eyes, by our ears, by our nose, tongue, teeth, throat. Is a very important centre because the Vishuddhi, which has to look after sixteen petals, which, sixteen petals, which look after all these ear, nose, throat, different, different organs within us, also it has to communicate with the Viraat. So it has to pass through this centre of Hamsa Chakra.
Hamsa Chakra is the very pivotal centre, which expresses auspiciousness in our awareness. That means, if this centre is alert and awakened, then we immediately know what is auspicious and what is not auspicious, or we can call it, we get the Divine Discretion.”
Shri Mataji Hamsa Chakra Puja Vancouver (Canada) 13th September, 1992
Her Holiness Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
Miracle Light on Hamsa Chakra (looking down, bended Head) (Mrs. Kalpana Srivastava Collection)