Dear Family,
Jai Shri Mataji!
This weekend’s program will be dedicated to Shri Vishnumaya. The program will be hosted by the Victorian collective from Melbourne at 10am on Sunday.
Let’s gather at our Mother’s Lotus Feet as one family to enjoy the vibrations of our weekly collective program.
National Collective Program
This Sunday 28th August 2022 • 10am (Sydney time)
Hosted by the Victorian collective from Melbourne.
Australian times: 10am in ACT, NSW, QLD, TAS & VIC • 9:30am in SA & NT • 8am in WA.
(Sydney 10am • New Delhi 5:30am • London 1am • New York 8pm)
(Convert to your local time)
Australian times: 10am in ACT, NSW, QLD, TAS & VIC • 9:30am in SA & NT • 8am in WA.
(Sydney 10am • New Delhi 5:30am • London 1am • New York 8pm)
(Convert to your local time)
To watch the live and recorded program, click on YouTube image below.

“Now Vishnumaya’s power is very important to understand, because Mother power is to protect your innocence, because that is the most important thing. To protect your innocence is the Mother’s power. Now, Vishnumaya’s power is to protect your chastity. You don’t understand sometimes what is chastity and what is innocence. Innocence is a power which is not acted upon.”
Shri Mataji – Shri Vishnumaya Puja: Power Of The Sister London September 1st, 1985

Shri Mataji – Shri Vishnumaya concert with Debu Chaudri – Shri Vishnumaya Puja, September 1992, Shawnee USA