Sahaja Yoga Australia

Daily Sahasrara Puja Talk – Day 4 Saturday 2nd May 2020

Dear Family,

Jai Shri Mataji!

We would like to share today’s Sahasrara Puja talk to listen to together during the coming week leading up to Sahasrara Puja on Tuesday 5th May 2020.

HH Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi Sahasrara Puja Thredbo Australia May 1987

Saturday’s talk in our Sahasrara Puja week is:

Sahasrara Puja 1998 Cabella
“Sahasrara was definitely opened and Mother had to do it…”
Andre and Lyn and your Australian Council
1998-0510 Sahasrara Puja Talk, Cabella, Italy, DP

1998-0510 Sahasrara Puja Talk, Cabella, Italy, DP

HH Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi – Sahasrara Puja 1998 Cabella

“Sahasrara was definitely opened and Mother had to do it…”

Today, it’s a great day because Sahasrara day and Mother’s day have come together. It’s a very Sahaj happening, I think, and that is what we have to understand, how Sahasrara and the motherhood go together.

Sahasrara was definitely opened and Mother had to do it, because formerly those people who came on this earth tried to teach people about dharma, to bring them to the central path, to the straightforward path of ascent. They tried everything, whatever way They thought was good for a particular community, particular area, particular country. They talked about it and lots of books came out of it, but instead of all these books creating people of religious, spiritual and a united nature, created people who were all against each other. Absurd, it’s an absurd thing, but it happened.

So all these books that were written, all this knowledge that was given, was all misused by human beings, just to get their own power, I should say. So, it was all a power-oriented, also money-oriented game going on. When we see the outcome of all these religions, we feel it’s all empty. They talk of love, they talk of compassion, but it all is for a purpose. It is all a political game sometimes, because they still feel that they should have power, not the spiritual power, but the worldly power, so that they can dominate the whole world. So, this domination started working so much in the human mind that we had lots of wars, killings, all kinds of things. And when it subsided, I felt that now, maybe, opening Sahasrara might help people to see the Truth.
HH Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi – Sahasrara Puja 1998 Cabella

Full Transcript, Video & Audio