Sahaja Yoga Australia

Devotional Videos


In praise of our Divine Mother, Her Holiness Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi


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Meditation on Shri Mataji’s Hands


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Guru Ashtakam 1993 0704 Guru Puja, Cabella


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Meditation on Shri Mataji’s Feet


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The Meaning of Puja, Madrid 24th May 1986


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Shri Mataji describes in depth the opening of the Sahasrara Chakra –  Sahasrara Puja Talk, Paris 5th May 1982


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Shri Mataji announces Vishwa Nirmala Dharma – the Universal Pure Religion


Why has God created these beautiful things - 1986-1221 Mahadevi Puja Talk Alibag India

Why has God created these beautiful things – 1986-1221 Mahadevi Puja Talk Alibag India

Why has God created these beautiful things
(Welcome Puja – Mahadevi Puja Talk at Chalmala, Alibag (India), 21st December 1986.)