Sahaja Yoga Australia

Financial & Promotional Support – 21 Day Arabic and Hebrew online meditation courses

Financial & Promotional Support

21 Day Arabic and Hebrew online meditation courses


Jai Shri Mataji! 🪷🪷🪷

We are raising funds to advertise for two 21 Day online meditation courses, one in Hebrew and one in Arabic, that will be streamed live every day at 8 pm Cabella time from June 29 to July 19, 2024.


You may contribute toward social media ads for both the Arabic and Hebrew courses through:
🌻 GoFundMe here:

Funds are needed ASAP to allow us to start advertising! Any amount is an expression of your love and concern 🙏🏼

We humbly pray that these 21 Day courses in Arabic and Hebrew will be a powerful subtle force to neutralize the conflict in the entire Middle East and destroy all types of negativities that prevent peace, allowing forgiveness and Divine Love to flourish. We pray that these courses will enlighten many souls, open many hearts and have a profound positive vibrational effect.

Course websites:

🌻 Hebrew 21 Day course page:
🌻 The Arabic 21 Day course page:
🌻 Landing page for both programs that’s in English/Arabic/Hebrew:

Promotional materials.

To help promote the programs, we have prepared various promotional images/posters that you can share on Facebook, Instagram and with family and friends. Please go to

Please use the website links to reach out to friends and family who might know Hebrew or Arabic speakers locally and around the world and tell them about these upcoming 21 Day courses. It is through these word-of-mouth networks that we can find seekers who speak these two languages.

With love from the 21 Day Arabic and Hebrew Course Team

Jai Shri Mataji 🌹🙏🏼

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