Sahaja Yoga Australia

O beloved Daughter of the mountains

Ayi Giri Nandini

O beloved Daughter of the mountains

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(Shankaracharya’s Praise Of The Divine Mother – ‘The Universe Sings’)

Ayi Giri Nandini Nandit. Medini

O beloved Daughter of the mountains, the One who brings about great joy to the earth,

Vishw. Vinodini Nandinute

The One who brings joy to the whole universe, I prostrate myself before You Who are of the form of complete bliss

Girivar. Vindhya Shirodhini Vasini

Your holy abode is in the king of the mountains, the Vindhyas

Vishnu Vilasini Vishnu Nute

Shri Vishnu is filled with joy when He meditates on You. I seek refuge at Your Lotus Feet

Bhagavati He Shiti Kanth. Kutumbini

O great Creatrix of this universe, the great Goddess who is the Wife of Lord Shiva, the blue throated one, and of the family of Lord Shiva

Bhu ri Kutumbini Bhu ri krute

You belong to the universal family and for You the whole universe is Your family. You are the One who does the greatest of great actions, namely giving Self-Realisation.


Jay. Jay. Hai Mahishasur. Mardini

Victory to You O Great Goddess

Who killed the terrible demon, Mahishasura

Ramyak. Par.dini Shailasute (x3)

You are the One with the beautiful luminous face, Daughter of the king of the Mountains, Shri Parvati, the Wife of the One who has the matted locks, that is Lord Shiva

Sur.var. Varshini Dur.dhar. Dhar.shini

On the Gods You shower auspicious blessings. Enemies of the Gods are so powerful, Yet You are able to keep them away.

Dur.mukh. Marshini Har.sharate

You are the Destroyer of the evil faced ones (demons). You are the giver of uninterrupted happiness

Tribhuvan. Poshini Shankar. Toshini

You are the One who looks after and sustains all the three worlds, The One who is the ultimate joy of Lord Shankara.

Kilmisha Moshini Ghosharate

You alone can destroy all our sins which You do by giving us self-realisation. Yet for the enemies of The Gods and of Your children, You always wear a ferocious expression that says “beware!”

Danuj. Niroshini Kshit. sut.roshini

You show to the Gods that You are pleased with them. Yet to the sons of Diti who are the demons, (different from Aditi, the Mother of the Gods) You always show Your displeasure.

Dur.mud. Shoshini Sindhusute

Even though there may be demons who have great strength, You can take their evil strength away.


Ayi Shat. Khanda Vikhandit. Runda

O Goddess You cut the demons into 100 parts and then cut them again and scatter the pieces

Vitundit. Shunda Gajadhipate

And pulverise the remaining parts into less than dust — Even those demons that could be described as powerful as the King of Elephants.

Ripugaja Ganda Vidarana Chanda

The demons who are as strong as elephants or as ferocious as lions,

Parakrama Shunda Mrugadhipate

You alone, O Great Goddess, cut them and smash them into nothing

Nijabhuj. Danda Nipatit. Chanda

All this You do by using Your own powerful arms, without the help of anyone else. And after having destroyed them completely, if anything remains there, You scatter that also away

Vibhatit. Munda mathadhipate

You cut off their heads in one sweep and toss them away like balls

Dhanu Ranu Sanga Rana Kshana Sanga

In the battlefield You are so absorbed in the battle that Your arm moves continuously shooting arrows. Your entire body shakes as if You are dancing and Your bangles make musical sounds

Parisphut. Danga Natatkatake

Even while You are continuously brandishing the force of the Gods, You do it with total concentration, with grace and beauty

Kanak. Pishanga Pushatka Nishanga

O Great Goddess, You destroyed the demon Vatuke, when You shot Your arrows in the battlefield

Rasad Bhata Shrunga Hata Batuke

They looked like flashes of of gold and yellow light shining from Your bow And they made sounds that are pleasing to the ear

Krut. Chaturanga Bala Kshiti Ranga

And Your very presence fills this army of Gods with enthusiasm, joy and valour, and even their arrows which are in the quiver on their backs shine forth with new colours

Ghatad. Bahu Ranga Ratad. Batuke

Seeing all this, Lord Bhairava dances in front of You in great ecstasy, repeating over and over again “Jai Mataji, Jai Mataji!”

Jay. Jay. Japya Jaye Jay. shabda

O Great Goddess, who brings salvation to the world, our complete prostration before You. Constant incantation of Your Holy Name is the most supreme prayer that a devotee can take for his own meditation

Parastuti Tatpara Vishwanute

And when he gets absorbed in saying Your Name, the need for other sounds and language falls away. O Goddess, who has brought salvation to this world, we constantly prostrate ourselves before You.

Jhana Jhana Jhinjhita Jhinkruta Nupura

Lord Shiva, who, though beyond sound and language, when He hears the sound of Your wondrous ornaments moving against one another,

Jhinjita Mohita Bhutapate

When You are in battle or in dance and make sounds like Jhana JhanaJhinjita and Jhinkruta, He becomes totally filled with joy and leaving His meditation desires to hear these heavenly sounds again and again.

Natina Natartha Natin. Nata Nayaka

O Great Goddess, who took the form of Shri Ardha Narishwara, when You dance in the company of other great dancers, You put them all to shame

Natita Nataya Yuganu Rate

For Your divine cosmic dance You always have the greatest musicians and singers accompany You.

(The original content on this page has been replaced with this devotional content - enjoy!

Jai Shri Mataji!