Happy Akshaya Tritiya 2023
Preparing for Sahasrara Puja Self Realisation Day
Happy Akshaya Tritiya
Today is Akshaya Tritiya – one of the most auspicious days of the year. Akshaya (signifying eternal) Tritiya is special day to begin new ventures. So this is a great day to take action on one of those many amazing ideas HH Shri Mataji blesses us all, with that will help Sahaja Yoga and the culture of the Spirit!
The relevant time to express our pure desire is approximately midday Saturday 22 April until midday Sunday 23 April 2023.
Read more about Akshaya Tritiya with Shri Mataji’s videos and transcripts below.
Preparing for Sahasrara Puja
Before Easter Puja 2023, in Balmoral at the Wellness Camp, the Sahaja Yoga doctors informed yogis that 4 main groups of mantras recited daily with footsoaking would have a tremendous benefit to Sahaja Yoga. The National Collective was encouraged to continue this, in their homes, in preparation for Sahasrara Puja 2023.
The mantras are Shri Ganesha Artharva Sheersham, 108 names of Shri Hanuman, Shri Lakshmi and Shri Mahakali.
(Note: The above mantras are available in our Sahaja Yoga Mantra Book. )
Because we have limited time during the week, one suggestion is to recite each one on a separate day of the week, over seven days, whilst footsoaking each time and continuing with normal meditation on the remainder of days. Please be your own guru.
And finally, in preparation for Sahasrara Puja on 5th May, we watch Shri Mataji’s talk, Sahasrara Puja, Vienna, 5 May 1985.
About Akshaya Tritiya
Akshaya means the one who never diminishes. Tritiya is the third day of the bright half of the lunar month of Vaisakha. Akshaya Tritiya is an auspicious and sacred day for inviting Goddess Lakshmi into our houses to obtain Her blessings. It is considered that projects begun on this day will be eternal. Traditionally this day marks the beginning of Treta Yuga. It is also the day on which Shri Parashurama, the sixth incarnation of Lord Vishnu, incarnated Himself.
Shri Mataji agreed to a Puja on this day in 1989 and offered to give Sahaja Yogis whatever they would request, but advised them to ask for something “eternal”.
“… You should ask for something that is eternal, is indestructible. That higher state which is called the permanent state of joy and bliss is to be asked today, because all other askings are wasted and you again go back to the position where you were.
… pray and ask for that Eternal Love of God, which should prove to you all the time. May God bless you”
Talk about Akshaya Tritiya
Evening before Sahasrara Puja Thredbo 1987

HH Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, 2 May 1987, Evening before Sahasrara Puja, Thredbo, Australia
“Had a very nice Puja in Pune which I had to perform on the thirteenth because it is the date called Akshaya Tritiya, means undestructible third day of the moon. That’s actually nobody knew, but it is the Puja of the Kundalini. That day everybody felt very, very clear. Very clear. Puja was hardly for about half an hour, the real Puja of the Kundalini. But everybody felt extremely clear and beautiful. So, that sort of puja we should do tomorrow also, if possible, so that we’ll have the feelings of Sahastrara completely opened out because even if Sahastrara is opened, the rest of the chakras, if they are caught up then you have problems. It’s better to clear out all the chakras and then the Sahastrara. So, tomorrow we’ll do the Puja in that fashion and I hope it will work out very well for all of you.”
HH Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, 2 May 1987, Evening before Sahasrara Puja, Thredbo, Australia
Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi Sahastrara Puja 3rd May 1987, Thredbo, Australia
Akshaya Tritiya Puja 1988
Pray and Ask for that Eternal Love of God
“From ancient times, on this auspicious day (Akshay Trutiya), people asked God for many things. For example, many people ask on this day that – God let it rain in Maharashtra so our farms will get good produce. Asking that is okay that farms should get good produce, that it should rain, people should get food. And beyond that? You did not ask for anything eternal. It will rain, and people will get food, but this is not something that is eternal, which cannot be bypassed, and that you will not have to see scarcity again here – nobody can say that. And what happens if it rains? Then they will again do things by which they will displease the Divine, and then again there will be no rainfall. The human mind is such; when asking God, they don’t think why such a situation has come, or what mistake have we committed”