Happy Shivaratri 2025!
Jai Shri Mataji!
Dear Family,
On this auspicious day, we wish everyone a Happy Shivaratri 2025.
We pray to Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, in Her Divine aspect of Shri Shiva, that His qualities of love and compassion fully manifest in our hearts. We pray that these qualities permeate throughout the world and universe.
Shri Mataji – Shivaratri Puja Burwood Ashram 26th February 2025
Spread Sahaja Yoga with Love and Compassion
“And now whatever is the solution for your ascent you should do it, because the responsibility of the whole world rests on Sahaja Yogis. This you know, that there’s no way out without Sahaja Yoga. To save humanity from all kinds of problems, Sahaja Yoga has come on this earth. So it is your responsibility to keep yourself in proper shape, as far as Sahaja Yoga is concerned, get rid of your left and get rid of your right, and then to spread Sahaja Yoga, not by bombastic words or aggressiveness, but with love and compassion. I’m sure we have done a lot, we have achieved a lot, but there are still some points here and there which is a very unpleasant task for me to correct them. But whatever it is I have to say that it’s working, and everybody should look at themselves and feel happy from where they have come here, and how far we have to go.”
H.H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi – Mahashivaratri Puja Castle Mountain Camp, Wisemans Ferry Sydney February 26th, 1995
(Full transcript, audio and video)
Mahashivaratri Puja, Burwood Ashram, Sydney 26th February 2006
Mahashivaratri Sahaja Yoga Bhajans
Shri Mataji Shri Shiva Puja Glenrock Newcastle 29th February 1992