Sahaja Yoga Australia

Happy Shri Ganesha Chaturthi! Shri Ganesha’s Birthday 2024

Happy Shri Ganesha Chaturthi!

Shri Ganesha’s Birthday
7th September 2024

Dear Family,

Jai Shri Mataji!

On this Auspicious day, we recognise the Birthday of Lord Shri Ganesha.

Shri Ganesha Puja 2024 Celebrations in Cabella

“Today we are celebrating the birthday of Shri Ganesha.”

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“Today we are celebrating the birthday of Shri Ganesha. You all know the story of His birth and I need not repeat it. But, as He was created by the Mother only, by Adi Shakti, in the same way you are all created after Him.

So, you are on the path of Shri Ganesha already. Your eyes sparkle the same way His eyes sparkle. You all have the beautiful glow on your face as He had. Whether you are small, big or old makes no difference. All the beauty comes to us through the glow of Shri Ganesha. If He’s satisfied, then we don’t have to worry about any other deities, because the power of all the deities is Shri Ganesha. He’s like a vice-chancellor sitting on every chakra. Unless and until He signs, Kundalini cannot cross through, because Kundalini’s the Gauri and is the Virgin Mother of Shri Ganesh.”

H.H Shri Mataji Shri Ganesha Puja Austria August 26th, 1990

Shri Ganesh Atharvashirsham श्री गणेश अथर्वशीर्षम्

Prayer to Shri Ganesha praising His many aspects that resides within Our Holy Mother, Her Holiness Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi.

Amen. Salutations to Ganapati. You are verily the (Primordial) principle.

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Meaning of Ganesh Atharvashisha by H.H.Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

Shri Ganapati Atharvashirsha was written by Atharva Rishi who had Ganpati Darshan, It is customary to invoke the name of Lord Ganesha before beginning anything.  A very rare video of Shri Mataji.  In this video Shri Mataji helps  us to understand the meaning of Shri Ganpati Atharvashirsha.

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To the Divine Essence of the Prayer

This is an English version of a prayer to Shri Ganesha, based on the Ganesha Atharva Sheersha. In it, Ganesha is described as ultimate truth and reality (Brahman), creative energy, everywhere, in everything in existence.
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