Sahaja Yoga Australia

International Diwali Puja & Marriages Nagpur India, 8th – 10th Nov 2024

International Diwali Puja & Sahaja Marriages

8th – 10th November 2024
Nagpur India

Dear All,


With complete surrender and faith at the Lotus Feet of our Divine Mother, we pray… “Shri Mataji, verily You are the Doer and the Enjoyer”.

By the Grace and Blessings of our Most Beloved Mother, Sahaja Marriages are going to be held during International Diwali Puja at P K Salve Academy of Fine Arts and Music, Nagpur (Maharashtra).

The program will be:

  • 8th November 2024 – Havan, Marriage Announcements, Mehandi & Haldi
  • 9th November 2024 – Shri Ganesh Puja and Gauri Pujan & Marriage Ceremony
  • 10th November 2024 – Diwali Puja

Nagpur is the holy land where Shri Mataji spent Her childhood and completed Her school education. Shri Mataji has termed Nagpur as the place of the Nabhi Chakra of the whole universe. The Puja place – P K Salve Academy of Fine Arts and Music, Nagpur, has been established with the blessings of Shri Mataji by Her younger brother called Babamama (means our Maternal Uncle), the Sahaja marriages are going to be held this time in the Mama’s native place.

Nagpur is also known as the Orange City of India and is known for its wealthy heritage and culture, warm hospitality and is a gateway of Chhindwara, the birth place of our Her Holiness Shri Mataji.

Further, Diwali is a most auspicious period with Divine Blessings and people remain in a festive mood. To facilitate all Yogis and Yoginis who want to apply for Sahaja Marriages should forward their Marriage Application form to National India Trust through their respective Country Coordinators.

Marriage Forms and Information

Please refer to the following forms and information sheet which you can download…

Marriage Fee

The registration fee for couples willing to be married / remarried will be Rs. 70,000(INR) (Rs.35, 000/- each for Sahaja Yogi and Yoginis), payable at the time of Registration of their marriage at the marriage site / location. The fee is towards Bride and Grooms apparel / gifts and for various arrangements and decor for solemnizing the marriage


Please visit our website for more details at


Wishing all a vibrant life and Nirmal Greetings and Regards

Ramesh Kumar Gupta
Executive Secretary – H H Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi Sahaja Yoga Trust – INDIA

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