Sahaja Yoga Australia

International Program on Sahaja Marriages

International Program on Sahaja Marriages

Sunday 23rd May 2021 3am Sydney time

Dear Family,

Jai Shri Mataji!

In preparation for this year’s Sahaj Marriages at Shri Gansha Puja, please see the message below from the International Marriage Committee (IMC) regarding a special program dedicated to Sahaj marriages.

This program is for all Yogis, and for those planning to be married, to appreciate the depth and significance of the marriage institution created by our Holy Mother, Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi. 

With Love
Brett (Australian Coordinator)


International Program on Sahaja Marriages

Jai Shri Mataji!
Dear Family,
The International Marriage Committee and Vishwa Nirmala Dharma Italy invite you to:
An International Program dedicated to Sahaj marriages.
Cabella time: 7pm Saturday 22nd May 22nd 2021 CEST (UTC+2)
(Sydney time: 3am Sunday 23rd May 2021)
The evening will feature testimonials from couples all over the world, video excerpts of early weddings, live music, marriage advice from Shri Mataji, anecdotes from yogis who were present on these occasions, and much more!
Did you ever wonder what the early marriage ceremonies were like with Shri Mataji in Her Sakshat form? Or where the vows come from? Or what it’s like to be married in Sahaj – for one year, two years, thirty years?  
This is an evening for everyone, young and old, wed or single, to celebrate the auspicious joy of Sahaj marriages, and to appreciate the depth and significance of this institution created by our Holy Mother, Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi. 
Evening program on Sahaja Marriages

Evening program on Sahaja Marriages

With Nirmal love and respect,
International Marriage Committee

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