International Shri Ganesha Puja 2023
Monday 11th to Sunday 17th September 2023
In Cabella and Online
Dear Family
Jai Shri Mataji!
As we draw closer to the International Shri Ganesha Puja next weekend, please be reminded of a few important items below for your enlightened attention and action.
Please ensure to register as soon as possible if you are attending in Cabella. It looks like we’ll have around 30 Australian Yogis attending, which is great.
The Website & Registration
The website is your go to for all things related to the Puja Week, i.e. to register for the World Festival, The Puja, Transportation to/from Cabella and to live stream all the evening programs, marriage announcements, Shri Ganesha Puja and the Sahaja Marriages
Please register as soon as possible if you are travelling to Cabella, the World Foundation need these details for catering purposes.
Australian Yogis going to Cabella
For those going to Cabella, if you haven’t already, please join the “Aussies in Cabella 2023” WhatsApp group via the following link:
This will be our way of keeping in touch with you during the time we are there and to assist us all in working together to make this a joyous event.
Puja Gift to Attendees
- There will be 1 puja gift from all the hosting countries, a mini wooden travel altar with an Altar cloth. To make it extra special, Yoginis from all the hosting countries have made the altar cloths.
- Well done to all those who contributed toward the making of 800 altar cloths from Australia, a wonderful collective effort.
- The international Yuvas also had the lovely idea of making up colouring in books with pictures of Shri Ganesha for all the children attending, along with a small set of colouring in pencils.
Australian Collective Gift offering
A collective monetary offering will also be made towards the Annapurna Project (Kitchen upgrade) in Cabella. This is also another aspect of the Lakshmi quality and this donation will be offered during the puja with the Lakshmi Baskets from all the hosting countries.
Yogis are humbly requested to offer donations toward the collective gift directly into the bank account below (a private account is used as Life Eternal Trust cannot currently make overseas donations):
- B Johnson and R Berry
- BSB: 062692
- Account number: 36459549
- Reference: Annapurna Project
Hosting Countries Gift offering
The hosting countries will offer as our gift to Shri Mataji after the Puja, a collective donation toward the International Sahaja School in Cabella.
Team Registration
For everyone going to Cabella, if you haven’t already, please fill out the form below via the following link to volunteer your time and attention to help, so that this auspicious occasion can run joyfully and serenely for all.
This is not the official puja registration, it is to help out beforehand and during the week. You will be added to a WhatsApp group to assist with the organising on one of the teams from the form.
Key dates
- World Festival (Daily meditations, music programs) – 9th to 15th Sept 2023
- Shri Ganesha Puja – Sat 16th Sept 2023
- Sahaja Marriages – Sun 17th Sept 2023
Key live streaming times
Watch live and recorded events online
Streaming times may vary on some days so please enjoy your meditation while waiting.
Current time in Cabella is:
[xyz-ihs snippet=”Current-Cabella-time”]
- Evening program & Meditation | Cabella – 9PM Mon 11th Sept 2023 | Sydney – 5AM Tue 12th Sept. Convert to your local time.
- Evening program & Meditation | Cabella – 9PM Tue 12th Sept 2023 | Sydney – 5AM Wed 13th Sept. Convert to your local time.
- Evening meditation, program & MARRIAGE ANNOUNCEMENTS | Cabella – 9PM Wed 13th Sept 2023 | Sydney – 5AM Thu 14th Sept. Convert to your local time.
- Evening meditation & program | Cabella – 9PM Thur 14th Sept 2023 | Sydney – 5AM Fri 15th Sept. Convert to your local time.
- Morning meditation & HAVAN | Cabella – 9AM Fri 15th Sept 2023 | Cabella – 5PM Fri 15th Sept. Convert to your local time.
- Evening meditation & program | Cabella – 9PM Fri 15th Sept 2023 | Sydney – 5AM Sat 16th Sept. Convert to your local time.
- SHRI GANESHA PUJA | Cabella – 4PM Sat 16th Sept 2023 | Sydney – 12AM Sun 17th Sept. Convert to your local time.
- SAHAJ MARRIAGES | Cabella – 3PM Sun 17th Sept 2023 | Sydney – 11PM Sun 17th Sept. Convert to your local time.
Further information
- Shri Ganesha Puja 2023
- Daily program at Cabella and Online
- Watch live and recorded events online
- Devotional preparation
- News and events
- Follow events of Facebook and Instagram
Invitation Card
Invitation Video
“Mother and Child” – Painting by Graham Brown, Sydney
“We must respect the Mother Earth”
“So this is the most important deity we have. Though it’s a very simple deity, the Mooladhara chakra is very, very complicated. It’s one of the most complicated chakras, I think, because it has many waves, it has many compartments, we can say, which all the time are vibrating and oscillating. So to steady down these, you should try to be absolutely dedicated to Shri Ganesha.”