Sahaja Yoga Australia

International Shri Krishna and Shri Ganesha Puja 2024

International Shri Krishna Puja, World Festival and Shri Ganesha Puja

Cabella Italy – August 23 ~ September 1, 2024


Invitation to Shri Krishna Puja Weekend

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Invitation to Shri Ganesha Puja Weekend

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Dear Family,

Jai Shri Mataji!

Shared below is the hosting countries’ World Invitation to this year’s Shri Krishna Puja – World Festival Week – Shri Ganesha Puja – Marriages in Cabella.

As a hosting country for Shri Ganesha Puja, please find below some important items for all Australian Yogis attention and some items for those attending Cabella.

For all Australian Yogis

Donations toward collective gift for Shri Mataji
As a collective gift for Shri Mataji, the hosting countries will be making a collective contribution towards our Sahaja schools around the world and toward the Annapurna project which is for the improvement of the Cabella kitchen facilities.

If you would like to contribute, please transfer your donations to the bank account below and include the reference GP24.

  • Account name: R Berry and B Johnson
  • BSB: 062692
  • Account number: 36459549
  • Reference GP24.

Website covering the full 10 Day International Seminar
A website has been created to provide you with all the information you need to attend and participate in this auspicious event, whether in-person or online. Please visit:

Prasad offered to Shri Mataji – Anzac biscuits
All the hosting countries will also be bringing some sweets home-made by Yogis to offer to Mother as prasad.

Together with the New Zealand collective, Australian Yogis are invited to make some home-made Anzac biscuits as part of our prasad offering to Shri Mataji. These can be placed in containers with baking paper in-between layers so they don’t stick together.

If you have the desire to contribute, please coordinate this through the Councillors in your state so they can connect you with Yogis attending Cabella. If we have more than we need, they can be offered at our Shri Ganesha Pujas held in Australia.

Lakshmi Baskets
If you have a desire to send gifts to put in the Lakshmi basket, here is a list of items required in Cabella:

Oil/Body Oil (coconut/Almond), Incense, Incense holders, Candles, Candle Holders, Shawls/Scarves (Natural fibres – to be used for decorating the altar), rose water, cotton, kumkum, glass bangles 7cm diameter, fragrant pouches for wardrobe, little handmade ornaments for decoration, ailments for cooking, pasta, sauces etc (handmade or organic), cooking items, tea towels, aprons, handmade sweet jams, honey,  products for cleaning Shri Mataji’s things – soft cloths, Towels, Small vases, small container for Kumkum, perfumes like Dior, Bulgari etc

If you have the desire to contribute, please coordinate this through the Councillors in your state so they can connect you with Yogis attending Cabella. If we have more than we need, they can be offered at our Shri Ganesha Pujas held in Australia.

Attending Yogis

Pre-registration & Transport via website
Before going to Cabella, follow the link below to Pre-register and Request transport to Cabella (if required) through the following link.:

Australians in Cabella WhatsApp Group
Please join this WhatsApp group where all Australians in Cabella can communicate and coordinate various duties and responsibilities as a hosting country:

Prasad offered to Shri Mataji – Australian nuts
For all those attending, please bring some nuts to contribute towards prasad, such as Australian Macadamias or Australian Almonds.

Volunteer for Duties
For all those attending, as we are a hosting country, please volunteer towards one of the hosting team duties here:

Invitation to all Nirmalights

International Shri Krishna Puja, World Festival and Shri Ganesha Puja at

Cabella – August 23 – September 1, 2024

“At every moment – how much have I enjoyed myself. That is the test of a Sahaja Yogi”
Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi – Shri Krishna Puja 1985, Nashik, India

Download Invitation

With hearts full of joy and gratitude we feel blessed to invite you all to Cabella to celebrate the Shri Krishna Puja 2024, the World Festival and the Shri Ganesha Puja with Marriages from 23rd of August to 1st of September. The preparation between the hosting countries has already created such an enthusiasm amongst each other which we hope these waves of vibrations will reach you wherever you are.

Please come to Cabella and let us enjoy together the worship of our hero, Shri Krishna, the Holy Yogeshwara, the master of the gentle flute, enchanting us with sweetness and a light heart, dissolving all the worries of our lives into the infinite blue of His Ether.

With the blessings of the master of all arts we shall celebrate the World Festival as a unique time to know each other deeper and create new auspicious events together. With your participation it will become a heart-opening worship and a festival of art and international exchange.

The week will culminate in the Puja to Lord Ganesha, the Alpha and the Omega, the one who gives auspiciousness to all the galaxies, the ever-joyful eternal child, the one who removes all obstacles and who shines through every innocent eye reaching every heart. To garland this week of supreme spirituality and joy, the Sahaj Marriages of the newly matched couples will be celebrated on the 1st of September.

You may have already read our heartfelt prayers to the Divine in the invitation to Shri Mataji. If you desire to be part of this festival of sparkling joy and if you somehow can make it – then please come to Cabella from 23rd of August to 1st of September. Invitation to Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi and Nirmalights is attached and can be view here:

To streamline travel arrangements, registration, transportation, volunteering and other relevant details, the host country’s team has developed a comprehensive website. Additionally, for those unable to attend in Cabella, the website will provide live streaming of events and access to event recordings. Please click on the main website for more info

With lots of love,

Shri Krishna Puja Hosts
NORTHERN AMERICA: Canada, Mexico, USA. CENTRAL AMERICA: Aruba, Belize, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama, Puerto Rico. SOUTH AMERICA: Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, French Guiana, Guyana, Peru, Suriname, Uruguay, Venezuela. EUROPE: Albania, Austria, Croatia, Macedonia, Netherlands, Poland, Romania.

Shri Ganesha Puja Hosts
Andorra, Australia, China, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Malaysia, New Zealand, Philippines, Singapore, Spain, Taiwan, Thailand, Vietnam, Global Yuva Shakti.

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