Sahaja Yoga Australia

Keeping our list of public program classes up to date

Keeping our list of public program classes up to date


Dear Program coordinators ,

Jai Shri Mataji

Our national websites ( & are a key communication channel between seekers and Sahaja Yoga.

Due to the widespread adoption of digital mediums, these have become even more important to keep up to date.

Share any Program updates

It would be appreciated if you could share any Program updates (be it new, updated or closed) with Nitin via email ([email protected]) or via WhatsApp (+61 466 339 002) so he can update our websites.

To check your current listing, please go to

Please provide the following details about your program updates…

  • Program Suburb
  • Day and Times
  • Exclusions (like venue unavailable on public holiday or short duration only)
  • Venue address
  • Contact number for enquiries

Her Holiness Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
Sydney Town Hall 1992
With Henry Tsang, Deputy Lord Mayor of Sydney

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