Sahaja Yoga Australia

The 108 Holy Names of Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

The 108 Holy Names of Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

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The 108 Holy Names of Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

These are 108 of the thousand names of the Maha-devi given in the Shri Lalita Sahasranama. The Great Goddess is, at the same time, simple and innocent as a little child and unfathomable, all-pervading, totally elusive, transcending all categories of perception, all known and unknown universes. The names simply reveal some aspects of Her Being. She is to be worshipped. These mantras should remind us that, ultimately, it is only through heartfelt devotion and worship that the true nature of Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi can be known. May You, the ocean of mercy, bless us all!

Aum twameva sākshāt Shrī Ādi Shakti Mātājī Shrī Nirmalā Devyai namo namahO Divine Mother, You are verily the incarnation of the Holy Spirit, Shri Adi Shakti. Salutations to You!

Mātā   You are The Divine Mother

Mahā-rādñī   The Great Empress

Deva-kārya samudyatā   The one who emerges for a divine purpose

Akulā   Beyond the limitations of family, caste or measurable dimensionality

Vishnu-granthi vibhedinī   The one who breaks open Shri Vishnu’s knot of illusion and worldly entanglement

Bhavānī   The queen of Bhava (Shri Shiva) and giver of life to the whole universe

Bhakti priyā   Fond of devotion

Bhakti gamyā   Realised by devotion

Sharma dayinī   The bestower of happiness and divine bliss

Nirādhārā   Unsupported, as You are the support of the universe

Niranjanā   Unstained by any limitations whatsoever

Nirlepā   Untouched by anything whatsoever

Nirmalā   Immaculate and pure

Nishkalankā   Spotless and unblemished

Nityā   Eternal

Nirākārā   Formless

Nirākulā   Unruffled, unperturbeb

Nirgunā   Beyond the three gunas (Sattva, Raja and Tama)

Nishkalā   Indivisible and complete

Nishkāmā   Desireless, as You have everything

Nirūpaplavā   Indestructible

Nitya muktā   Ever free, and You make Your devotees ever free

Nirvikārā   Changeless and the unchanging basis of all changes

Nirāshrayā   The one who needs no refuge, as You are the refuge of all

Nirantarā   Beyond all categories and time

Nishkāranā   Causeless, as You are the cause of all causes

Nirūpādhi   Beyond the illusion of plurality

Nirīshwarā   Supreme, beyond even God

Nirāgā   Unattached

Nirmadā   Prideless

Nishchintā   Without any anxiety

Nirahaṅkārā   Without ego

Nirmohā   Free from illusion

Nirmamā   Without selfishness

Nishpāpā   Beyond sin 35

Nisaoṅshayā   Without any doubts

Nirbhavā   Unborn

Nirvikalpā   Beyond all doubt

Nirābādhā   Untroubled by anything whatsoever

Nirnāshā   Deathless and indestructible

Nishkriyā   Beyond all actions, not involved in any action

Nishparigrahā   Taking nothing, as You are the source of everything

Nistulā   Unequalled

Nīlachikurā   Dark-haired

Nirapāyā   Beyond danger 45

Niratyayā   Impossible to cross or transgress

Sukha-pradā   The one who confers the bliss of liberation (moksha)

Sāndra-karunā   Intensely compassionate to Your devotees

Mahā-devī   The greatest of Goddesses

Mahā-pūjyā   Worshipped even by the highest of gods (the Trimurtis: Shri Brahma, Shri Vishnu and Shri Shiva)

Mahā-pātaka nāshinī   The one who destroys even the greatest of sins

Mahā-shakti   The great power

Mahā-māyā   The supreme creator of illusion and confusion even to the greatest of gods

Mahā-rati   The greatest bliss that is beyond all sense pleasures

Vishva-rūpā   In all existing forms, the entire universe is Your form

Padm’āsanā   Seated in the lotuses (chakras)

Bhagavatī   The Divine Mother, the all-pervading power of God Almighty

Rakshā-karī   The saviour and protector

* Rākshasa-ghni   The slayer of demons and all evil forces

Param’eshwarī   The Supreme Goddess

Nitya-yauvanā   Ever young, untouched by time as it is Your creation

Punya-labhyā   Attained by the meritorious or righteous (You are worshipped as a result of good actions in previous births)

Achintya-rūpā   Beyond thought

Parā-shakti   The Supreme Power

Guru-mūrti   The guru and manifest through all true gurus

Ādi shakti   The primordial power of God Almighty (The primordial Mother who created this world to bring God’s kingdom on Earth)

Yogadā   The bestower of yoga

Ekākinī   Alone, the sole basis of the plurality of the universe, beyond creation

Sukh’ārādhyā   Easily worshipped

Shobhanā-sulabhā-gati   The easiest and most beautiful path to Self-realisation

Sat-chid’ānanda-rūpinī   Absolute truth, awareness and bliss

Lajjā   Bashful modesty (You reside in all beings as modest chastity)

Shubha-karī   Benevolent (The greatest good is the realisation of the ultimate and You grant that to devotees)

Chandikā   Angry with evil forces

Tri-gun’ātmikā   The one who assumes the form of the three gunas: Sattva (reality), Raja (activity) and Tama (desire)

Mahatī   The most worshipful and highly esteemed Goddess

Prāna-rūpinī   The divine breath of life

Paramānu   The ultimate atom, too minute to be known

Pāsha-hantrī   The one who liberates the soul from all that binds it

Vīra-mātā   The Mother of the brave

Gambhīrā   Fathomless and profound

Garvitā   The proud Mother of all creation

Kshipra-prasādinī   The one who instantly showers Her devotees with divine bliss

Sudhā-sṛuti   The ambrosial flow of bliss

Dharm’ādhārā   The one who sustains dharma (the innate knowledge of what is right and good for the Spirit)

Vishva-grāsā   The one who devours the universe at the time of pralaya, the ultimate dissolution

Svasthā   Established in Yourself; also, You establish the Self in devotees

Svabhāva-madhurā   Sweet-natured

Dhīra-samarchitā   Worshipped by the wise and the brave

Param’odārā   Supreme generosity

Shāshwatī   Ever-present and continuous

Lokātītā   Beyond all the three lokas, transcending all created universes

Sham’ātmikā   Inner peace

Līlā-vinodinī   The supreme enjoyer of the divine play

Sadāshivā   The eternally auspicious power of God Almighty

Pushti   Divine nourishment through vibrations

Chandra-nibhā   Luminous like the moon

Ravi-prakhyā   Radiant like the sun

Pāvan’ākṛuti   The pure sacred form

Vishwa-garbhā   The Mother who gives birth to the universe

Chit-shakti   The power of consciousness that dispels ignorance and confusion

Vishwa-sākshinī   The silent witness of the action of the universe

Vimalā   Clear and pure

Varadā   The bestower of boons

Vilāsinī   The supreme enjoyer, charming and playful

Vijayā   Victorious

Vandāru-jana-vatsalā   The Divine Mother who loves Her devotees like Her children

 Sahaja yoga dāyinī   The one who grants spontaneous Self-realisation

Sākshāt Shrī Ādi Shakti Mātājī Shrī Nirmalā Devyai namo namah

At Shri Ganesha Puja in Brighton, UK, on 4 Aug 1985,

Shri Mataji added a 109th name: Vishwa Nirmala Dharma-Prasthāpinī The one who fully establishes Vishwa Nirmala Dharma

(The original content on this page has been replaced with this devotional content - enjoy!

Jai Shri Mataji!