Sahaja Yoga Australia

New Public Liability Insurance Cover – required from 1st July 2024

New Public Liability Insurance Cover

Required from 1st July 2024


HH Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
Public Program Sydney Town Hall 6th Feb 2006

Dear Family,

Jai Shri Mataji!

This information is for all Yogis who are holding public and collective programs in halls, schools, festivals, ashrams and homes.

All Sahaja Yoga Australia public and collective programs and events need to be covered by our collective Public Liability Insurance (PLI) policy. The policy covers the public and yogis in case there’s an incident that has caused injury to people attending the event.

It is now time to register all current programs and State Ashrams.

Please apply as soon as possible, using the link below, as all current Public Liability Insurance Covers expire 30th June 2024.

How to obtain Cover

Use the link below to fill in the online form located on the our ‘PLI for Public Programs’ website .

The form information will be automatically emailed to the PLI Team who will then forward to the relevant State Councillors for review and approval. Once approved, the PLI Team will register the program and issue the PLI Certificate to the Yogi. Yogis can then provide the PLI Certificate to the venue organisers.



If you have any questions, please see State Contacts for Public Liability Insurance.

Program no longer being held?

If you had PLI cover previously and no longer require the cover then please notify us at: [email protected]

With love,
From the Public Liability Insurance Team.

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