Sahaja Yoga Australia

ISPS – Seeking Staff, a Poem, News & Photos


Seeking Staff, a Poem, News & Photos

International Sahaj Public School Dharamshala India
15th Sept 2024

We are sharing below a beautiful Poem from Sarita Keetley, and a lovely message from Aunty Jenny Zappavigna, sharing her ISPS experience and calling for Yogis to consider joining the Staff of ISPS to help nurture and educate our next generation of Nirmalites. We have also included a link to a gallery of beautiful photos of the school and the majestic mountains that embrace the school.

In the Mountains of the Himalayas

Poem by Sarita Keetley in ISPS, Dharamshala

Download Poem

“I had to wait for Divine time.”

News from Jenny in ISPS, Dharamshala

My desire to come to ISPS as a teacher started about 10 years ago, but as always, I had to wait for Divine time. I know now it was the perfect time. We are all pieces of a puzzle that only Shri Mataji can see.

Givers of love to Shri Mataji’s children
It is difficult to describe what life is like here. The mountains surrounding us are a constant, bearing witness to all. They are a reminder to lift our attention beyond the maya that we get caught up in; one glance lifting us to thoughtless awareness. Every day is like a lifetime, filled with lessons, challenges, opportunities to introspect and moments of joyful clarity. With every moment, comes a chance to grow one step closer to our spirit and Shri Mataji. I have found that what we do here goes beyond the boundaries assigned by our titles. We are teachers, mothers, fathers, nurses, counsellors, activity coordinators, aunties and uncles but above all, we are givers of love to Shri Mataji’s children. Whatever love we give, it is returned hundred-fold so that our hearts continue to swell. And as our hearts expand, Shri Mataji’s Divine Lotus Feet can reside comfortably there.

From over 30 different countries
The students in our care, come from over 30 different countries, of which Australians make the largest group outside of India. Our staff come from a total of 5 countries which is more than in recent years. Every year, we need more Sahaj Yogis to come from all over the world to support the ISPS project. We need teachers, medical staff, dorm staff, care officers, counsellors, administration staff and help with meal preparation. If you have any desire to come to ISPS, please make a small action towards that desire. Put away any concerns of job, finance, family, home. If vibrations indicate that ISPS is where you should be next year, everything will be looked after for you in ways beyond what could be imagined.

Staff & Support needed
If you would like to apply you can visit the school’s website or directly email [email protected] with your CV. Our website is in the process of being updated and more positions will be added soon for next year. If you have any questions, please email me at [email protected]

Jai Shri Mataji!

Much Sahaj love,

Jenny Zappavigna
Dharamshala, India

Mountains of the Himalayas

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