Sahaja Yoga Australia

Nirmalarts Academy & Culture of the Spirit Festival – Cabella 2024

Nirmalarts Academy & Culture of the Spirit Festival

Cabella 2024

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

By Our Gracious Mother’s blessings we are overjoyed to invite you to the Nirmalarts Academy from 23 July to 1 August and to the Culture of the Spirit Festival on 3 – 4 August 2024 in Cabella.

The Academy is a wonderful opportunity to please Our Divine Mother by nurturing and sharing our creativity and inspiration. It is a chance to learn from our talented brother and sister artists, embark on new projects, and develop our talent and skills. In addition, through the Culture of the Spirit Festival, we can immerse ourselves in the depth and diversity of our Sahaj culture, celebrating the excellence of Sahaj artists from around the world. Art, in all its varied forms and colors, serves as a pure instrument to glorify and manifest the love of our Divine Mother, to connect us within our Sangha, and to reach out to new seekers.

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Choose from over 40 courses

At the Nirmalarts Academy, you can choose from over 40 courses, led by professional Sahaj artists, encompassing a diverse array of disciplines. Whether you are interested in music, dance, movement, theatre, visual arts & crafts, music therapy, drama therapy, martial arts, flower arranging or languages (to name just a few), there is something for everyone. Each course is designed to develop our talent and deepen our understanding of Sahaj art forms and cultures. The professional Sahaj artists who lead these courses bring a wealth of experience and a passion for sharing their knowledge. So, whether you are a beginner looking to explore a new interest or an experienced artist seeking to refine your skills, these courses offer a unique, immersive opportunity for personal and artistic growth.

The Academy culminates in the Culture of the Spirit Festival, held on August 3-4 at the Sahaja Yoga World Foundation Centre. This free festival is open to the public and aims to reflect Shri Mataji’s vision of a united human family through a combination of the performing and visual arts from across the world and Sahaja Yoga meditation workshops.

Hospitality, Meals and accommodation will be graciously provided by Casa Madre throughout the period.


We invite you to register online here:


Please visit our website for more details about courses and fees:

With love and the joyful expectation of welcoming you soon!

Jai Shri Mataji

On behalf of all
The TEV Academy and Festival Team



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