Sahaja Yoga Australia

Proposal of a Wind Farm in the Borbera Valley and Cabella Ligure

Proposal of a Wind Farm in the Borbera Valley and Cabella Ligure 

Dear Sisters and Brothers,

Concerning the recent WhatsApp messages and emails on the subject matter: 

The Sahaja yoga global community, although very supportive of energy transition and decarbonisation efforts, is very disturbed by possible landscape spoil (at Cabella Ligure). This is concerning the proposed large-sized wind farm installation in its neighbourhood. This will hurt the feelings of hundreds and thousands of international Sahaja yogis who travel to and visit what is considered a sacred place of pilgrimage for them. As such, the World Foundation disagrees with the proposal and will appeal to the local policymakers to reconsider. 

In this context, the World Foundation and its Board of Directors will express their concerns to the local policymakers through the framework provided.

Photomontage produced by the proposing Wind Farm company.

Best regards,

World Foundation – Executive Committee

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