Sahaja Yoga Australia

Puja Calendar Information

Puja Calendar Information

Jai Shri Mataji!

Dear brothers and sisters of the World Sangha,

We are happy to inform you that this year’s International Puja calendar is now available for viewing at: as well as on the Nirmala Vidya App in the “News” section.

Please note the calendar remains unchanged since it was shared a few months ago.

(A combined Australia and International Puja Calendar, with links to live streaming and recorded events, can be viewed here.

Nirmala Vidya mobile App

If you have not already downloaded the Nirmala Vidya App, here are the links:

Nirmala Vidya Android app:

Nirmala Vidya iOS app:

Future updates

Going forward, this will be the best way to make sure you have the most recent Puja calendar, rather than hunting back in old emails and wondering if the version you have is updated or not. If any changes are made to the Puja calendar, they will be simultaneously updated on the website and shortly thereafter on the App.

With love and respect,
Your brothers and sisters of the Central Committee

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