Speech of the Week
Devi Puja
Devi Puja Talk Adelaide 4th March 1983
“So the best thing is to say that, “Mother come in my brain.” – Shri Mataji
Jai Shri Mataji!
Dear Sahaja Yogi Brothers and Sisters,
Please enjoy this week’s Speech for our collective attention. It was recorded in 1983 in Adelaide. This beautiful speech from HH Shri Mataji gives us direction relevant to practice every day of our lives.
This week’s theme is Shri Mataji’s prayer “Mother, you be in our brain.”
HH Shri Mataji explains how the elements are within us, the purity and thoughtlessness of them and how we use their qualities.
Devi Puja Talk
Adelaide 4th March 1983
“So the best thing is to say that, “Mother come in my brain.
“But human beings take lot of time to recognise that and to understand, even in Sahaj Yoga, because the sensitivity has to be grown much more. Now, why is it that anything like water, or Agni or any one of these elements becomes so [much more] sensitive than human beings are. How they just obediently do the thing, as if they know the job and they’re so quick at it, so efficient. The reason is they are completely under the control of the Divine. They are under the control of the powers of God, absolutely, hundred percent. Whatever God wants, they do it, once they are enlightened. But human beings are still dwindling between his own human awareness and the Divine awareness and the oneness with God. So it is the sensitivity in a person [that] grows very, very, slowly.”
HH Shri Mataji explains how we have the freedom to think how we want, how our thinking affects being one with the divine and how thinking affects our sensitivity and subtle centers in our brains.
Shri Mataji’s Prayer
“So the best thing is to say that, “Mother come in my brain. Please reside in my brain. Please make Your room in this brain. You be the controller of this brain. Let this brain be guided by Your divine this thing.” And you don’t think for yourself.”
“Then when you are that much one with God, if you tell anything it will work out, anything. Anything you ask for it will work out. But we are not. We are always finding alternatives, you see. And these alternatives is the game all these people have played with you; all the time giving you alternatives.”
Shri Mataji – Devi Puja Talk Adelaide 4th March 1983 Adelaide
Jai Shri Mataji!
Her Holiness Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
Independence Day, Burwood Ashram Sydney 25th January 2006