Sahaja Yoga Australia

Speech of the Week – “…making Me feel extremely proud of you.”

Speech of the Week

“…making Me feel extremely proud of you.”


Dear Sahaja Yogi’s.

We all know that the best way to honour HH Shri Mataji, for opening the Sahasrara, creating Sahaja Yoga, all that She has done for the human race and all that She continues to do for the human race, is to develop our spiritual ascent as individuals and collectively.

Our attention should mainly be on positive aspects of Sahaja Yoga and how to acheive our spiritual ascent. We do not progress if the attention is elsewhere.

Help prevent attention wandering

There are many initiatives available, for example the 21 day programs, international meditations, MOJ tours and self realisation events in which we should involve ourselves with as many initiatives as possible. Doing this will help prevent attention wandering onto things which aren’t beneficial individually and collectively.

To stay one with HH Shri Mataji and as a true Sahaja Yogi, we need to constantly introspect and surrender our ego and superego, imbibing HH Shri Mataji’s words. All of HH Shri Mataji’s words are for each and every one of us. We must apply them to ourselves and not others. Together, we will each put our attention on a topic of HH Shri Mataji’s teachings.

Speech of the Week

We will have a “Speech of the Week” to individually focus on and will raise our collective consciousness as we all focus on the same directive of HH Shri Mataji.

Listen as many times as you feel throughout the week to maintain your attention on this topic. There are also daily speeches set by “Amruta” and the “Every day with Shri Mataji” app.

Please see this week’s speech below, set in Dharamsala and includes a Puja to HH Shri Mataji as Shri Shailaputri.

Shri Shailputri (Devi) Puja, Dharamshala

“…making Me feel extremely proud of you.”
29th March, 1985

YouTube player

(English speech starts at 6 mins 14 secs)

“Today we are sitting at the foothill of Himalaya. Himalaya is the Father of your Mother. And since I have come here the feeling of returning to the Father is making Me feel extremely proud of you.

So we have to count our blessings again that we are at the foothill of Himalaya which is the Sahasrara of the universe. Those people who live here are the most beautiful people that you could think of. They are not rich, they are not educated, they are not sophisticated. They are simple folk, but one of them is equal to thousands and thousands of other people who are still moving in the realm of materialism. It is such a special day to be here.”

Shri Mataji – Devi Puja Dharamshala (India) 29th March, 1985

Other ‘Speeches of the Week’


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