Sahaja Yoga Australia

The Complete Works of Adi Shakti


The Complete Works of Adi Shakti

Dear Sahaja Yogis and Friends,

We are thrilled to announce a significant milestone for the Sahaja Yoga community. All the spoken words of Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi have been printed in a magnificent first-edition collection of 41 books.

Over the last 2 years, a group of established Sahaja Yogis, in collaboration with the World Foundation, NIPC, Casa Madre and Nirmala Vidya, has been working on verifying and consolidating all the existing spoken words of Shri Mataji from, where access to Her knowledge is always freely available.

This collection is an additional invaluable resource for deepening our understanding and practice of Sahaja Yoga, and it will, without doubt, have a significant impact on future generations.

We encourage all national and local Sahaja Yoga centers, as well as individual practitioners, to add these books to their libraries.

How to Purchase the Books
You can easily order these books online through our dedicated platforms.

Visit the website of the Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi Sahaja Yoga World Foundation, explore the entire collection to get one of the limited copies now.


(Please note: The Australian Councillors and Trustees will arrange to order a set of the Books for the Australian collective. The Books will initially be housed at Shri Mataji’s home at Burwood Ashram in Sydney.)

Join Us in Celebrating This Release
Share the news so others don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity!

Thank you for your continued support and dedication to Sahaja Yoga. Together, we can deepen our collective understanding and experience of Shri Mataji’s divine wisdom.


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