Sahaja Yoga Australia

Tribute to Brian O’Gorman 1930 – 2024

Tribute to Brian O’Gorman

1930 – 2024

Dear family,

Jai Shri Mataji!

We offer this tribute to Brian O’Gorman, our dear, much loved and respected uncle and brother in Sahaja Yoga, one of the original Trustees of Life Eternal Trust Australia.

Uncle Brian was selected and appointed by Shri Mataji as one of the original Trustees for Life Eternal Trust Australia (LETA). He served Shri Mataji, Sahaja Yoga, and LETA with great distinction. He was a man well established in his life when he came to Sahaja Yoga. Although elder than many of us in the collective at that time, there was a special affinity he shared with us due to his wisdom, compassion and natural role as a mentor.

As an original member of the Trust, in 1987 he was instrumental in supporting the means by which the first property in Australia was collectively purchased; Shri Mataji’s home at 10 Clarence St., Burwood. Shri Mataji reflected that this was one of the first occasions where a local collective made a landmark purchase of a property for Sahaja Yoga. Uncle Brian was also fundamentally important in bringing about structural changes which helped ensure collective properties are held in perpetuity for future use by Sahaja Yoga.

The Trust and Council wishes to acknowledge this great yogi for all his dedication, commitment, and work for Sahaja Yoga.

Uncle Brian was a seeker of ages who sought the eternal truth. Fate decreed an encounter with Shri Mataji in the early 1980’s, and She bestowed upon him all that he was seeking Uncle Brian strived to live a Sahaja life to the best of his abilities. He and his wife Elisabeth were very proud of establishing a collective in Wollongong and spreading Shri Mataji’s message through over 30 years of public programs in the region. We will also never forget his love and concern for those who needed guidance or a helping hand.

Uncle Brian was aware that he was entering into his last days and was longing to be with Shri Mataji. He was present and waiting to be called. His family felt great comfort knowing that he was surrounded by immense vibrations during this time.

Funeral service

The family of Brian O’Gorman wishes to extend an invitation to those who knew and loved him to pay their last respects at a funeral service on:

Tuesday 28 May 2024
12 to 1 pm
The Chapel at Norwood Park
65 Sandford Street, Mitchell ACT

Streamed online

The funeral will also be live streamed and recorded (please see details further below).
We invite you to view the live streaming event for Brian O’Gorman
The live stream for this event is scheduled to begin on:
Tuesday, May 28th 2024 at 12:00 PM (Australia/Sydney)
Tuesday, May 28th 2024 at 2:00 AM (UTC)

This is a private event which will require the following PIN number to access: 2946

Please join the family for light refreshments immediately after the service in the Centenary Room, Norwood Park.

We will be continuing the celebration of Brian’s life at the Brindabella Village Function Room, 8 Durack Street, Downer from 2.30 pm onwards.

Please bring memories and stories to share.

For those who have asked, Elizabeth’s address is Unit 21, 8 Durack St, Downer, ACT 2602.
Or if you prefer, in lieu of flowers, the family asks if you would please consider making a charitable donation in Brian’s name to Feel the Magic charity which helps children who are grieving a loved one (

We thank Shri Mataji for bringing him into our lives.

May he enjoy everlasting peace!

His fellow Trustees,
Life Eternal Trust Australia.
Australian Sahaja Yoga Council

“…Sweeping into the current of your Mother’s love.”

“So you have to believe in yourself and enjoy the way gently you are sweeping into the current of your Mother’s love. Just enjoy that. Like a flower that falls into the current and flows and enjoys all the beauties of that current. In the same way, you should enjoy. When that enjoyment comes into you, you will start trusting. And trust your Mother.”

Shri Mataji – Seminar, Open your Heart Dorset England 2nd August 1981

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